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Treasure Hunting Punch Cat seeks partner for hunting treasures

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Do you like adventure? Do you like climbing through ruins? Do you enjoy narrowly avoiding death traps only to find yourself surrounded by voidsent? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then what is wrong with you? Who likes being surrounded by voidsent? If you only answered yes to the first two, then keep reading!



Ehzo’ir Tyaka, renowned treasure hunter that no one has ever heard of (and unlike some treasure hunters he doesn’t claim you might) is looking for a partner to start delving into ruins with him. While experience is not necessarily required, it is prefered, as that will help make sure that everyone comes home alive and without losing anything important.



Ehzo’ir is a Keeper of the Moon Monk that has been treasure hunting for over five years, and has yet to lose a single limb or anything more than the end of his hair. Well that and blood. So much blood over the years.



If you are interested please bring a scroll to The mists, Ward 4 Apartments and speak to a Hyur named Mat. Please include:



Your name

A way to contact you

A brief mention of your experience in Treasure hunting



Preference will be given to individuals with knowledge of magic.






I am looking for someone that wants to do in character treasure hunting together. Each of us would take turns planning out an adventure. This would be a joint thing, that we could both use to further our characters and also give us both things to talk about.



Typical adventures would consist of multiple sessions of research and scouting, followed by the actual adventure itself, and then any fallout to research whatever items they find. This is not the only scope of them, though. Perhaps due to one of their previous adventures something happens, and so there is a one night thing where they deal with whatever problem occurs


Feel free to respond to this message, send me a private message, or contact me on Discord (Ehzo'ir Tyaka#5548) to discuss this further.

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