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Looking to meet Magic Users

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I play a thaumaturge as my main and I'm interested in finding other magic users to collaborate with on a non-FC occasional basis on the Omega server.

I'm interested in collaborating with such individuals in a sort of loose "coalition" or "club" of spellcasters coming together to discuss magic and perhaps learn and study together, should such meetings be fruitful and agreeable to all parties.

My character Xihsa'li is currently situated in Kugane, but will be travelling back to Eorzea in one to two weeks' time. It is after he returns to Limsa Lominsa that I was looking to perhaps make some connections with other magic users. 


  • I'm interested in all kinds of spellcasters! Does not matter if your character is an arcanist, thaumaturge, conjurer, or anything else as long as they would be interested in speaking with like-minded individuals.
  • While your character doesn't have to be an expert in all things magical to take part (even novices are welcome), I expect a basic understanding OOC of how magic works in the FFXIV universe. I suggest lore articles found here, in case you're a little uncertain on how magic works. :)


  • The first meeting would be sparked by an advert in the streets of Limsa Lominsa, announcing an "Aetherial Arts Appreciation" Club (or the 'AAA') meeting.
  • This would be a club hosted and managed by my character Xihsa'li. 

When / How often?

  • The actual place of RP will be decided if there's interest and when the time for it is set. How often? Well, that depends on the interest!
    I was thinking of doing a one-off meeting first, see how it goes, and perhaps another in a few weeks after that, but all of it depends on how much interest there is when the time comes.
  • This is not something I wish to make into a huge event, but rather, a private setting for a few individuals. 

I understand people have loads of their own things to do with their Free Companies / real life / other priorities, as I do, so this RP would not take place everyday.

How to contact me?
You can respond to this topic, send me a private message on these forums OR contact me in-game on Xihsa'li Tayuun.

Thank you for reading this far! :)


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