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Irmegiin Superstitions

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Superstitions of the Irmegiin Tribe
(While a lot of these may seem silly, this tribe takes them very seriously)

On Luck:

  • To touch one's or someone's beads is considered bad luck to everyone involved, whether you are an Irmegiin or not.
  • Most Irmegiin gher have a horseshoe hanging in a 'U' shape above their door on the inside. It's meant to hold all the good luck inside that gher.
  • Having that horseshoe upside down is bad luck, as it 'spills out' all of the good luck in that gher.
  • If you whistle indoors, it will bring bad luck to that place.

On Brooms/Sweeping:

  • Do not lean a broom against a bed. An evil spirit will cast a curse on that bed.
  • If someone is sweeping the floor, and sweeps over your feet, you'll never be married.
  • To sweep the dust of of your gher is to sweep out your good luck.

On Sneezing:

  • Sneezing on the day in the middle of the week is sure to bring you news. Good news if you were facing North or East, but bad news if you were facing South or West.
  • It's good luck to sneeze three times before breakfast.
  • If you feel like you have to sneeze and can't, it means someone loves you, but doesn't dare tell.


On Sex/Pregnancy:

  • Sex during an eclipse will lead to unhealthy and mutated children.
  • Pregnant women shouldn't go outside during an eclipse, or their baby will be born blind.
  • If a pregnant woman touches her belly during an eclipse, her baby is sure to be born with a birthmark.
  • An expecting mother that has her stomach rubbed too much, by her or others, may produce a spoiled child. 
  • A mother can affect the gender of her baby by eating certain foods a week before conception. Carrots, lettuce, or mushrooms for a boy, and fish or meat for a girl.
  • The gender of the baby can be predicted by holding a needle or wedding band suspended by a strand of the mother's hair over her palm. If it swings in an oval, it will be  girl. If it swings in a line, it will be a boy.
  • If a mother's feet are colder when she's pregnant, she'll have a boy. If it's warmer, she'll have a girl.
  • If a mother wears a necklace while pregnant, the umbilical cord will get wrapped around the baby's neck.
  • If the mother has heartburn a lot while pregnant, the baby will be born with a lot of hair.

On Birth/Children:

  • When in labor, neither the mother or the father should be near a doorway or entryway of any kind, as that will prolong the delivery. 
  • If a baby is born feet first, they are certain to be lamed in an accident.
  • A baby born at night will always have troubles sleeping throughout childhood.
  • It's good luck to put a string of coral beads around a baby's neck within their first day.
  • It's bad luck to watch a baby sleep.
  • Firstborn children are protected from witchcraft.
  • The first object a baby grabs signifies the child's destiny.
  • If the fingernails or toenails of an infant are cut before twelve months of age, it will prove them a thief once they're mature.

On Birthmarks:

  • Birthmarks can mean something about a person's soul depending on what color they are.
  • Birthmarks anywhere near or on an intimate part of the body -regardless of color- means that person has a promiscuous soul, and therefor nature.
  • A white or red birthmark anywhere on the head means a heroic nature, while a blue or brown one means an evil nature.
  • A white or red birthmark anywhere on the legs means a swift runner and quiet steps, while a blue or brown one means clumsy and slow.
  • A white or red birthmark anywhere on the torso means a healthy life, with a strong immune system, while a blue or brown one means an unhealthy life, with a poor immune system.
  • A white or red birthmark on the arms means a true aim, with incredible luck, while a blue or brown one means a horrible aim and bad luck.
  • A white or red birthmark on the hands means talent, and a risky nature, while a blue or brown one means talentless, and a cautious nature.
  • A white or red birthmark on the feet means a happy-go-lucky nature, and optimistic, while a blue or brown one means a pessimistic nature who usually succumbs to depression.

On Fish/Fishing:

  • If your shadow is cast on the water, you will not catch any fish.
  • Throw back the first fish you catch, and you'll be lucky the whole day fishing.
  • Fish should always be eaten from the head towards the tail, or else it will cause a stomachache.
  • It's bad luck to change rods while fishing.
  • It's bad luck to ask a fisher how many bites he or she's had.
  • Its bad luck to bait the hook with your left hand.

On Dreams:

  • If you dream of fish, someone you know is pregnant.
  • If you have the same dream three times in a row, it's bound to come true.
  • Dreaming of clear water is a sign of good luck and prosperity. Dreaming of muddy water foretells sadness for the dreamer, through hearing about the death or illness of a loved one.


On Journeys:

  • If you stumble when you leave home on a journey, your trip will be cut short.
  • When someone is leaving, it's bad luck to watch them go until they're out of sight. It means you'll never see them again.

On Weddings:

  • If it rains on your wedding day, you will grow wealthy together.
  • As a bride leaves her home for her wedding day, she should step over the threshold with her right foot.
  • It's bad luck for the bride to be seen in her wedding attire before the wedding. 

On Bridges:

  • If you say goodbye to a friend while on a bridge, you will never see them again.
  • You must put your hand on the top of your head when crossing a bridge so it doesn't fall down.


  • If you trip and fall over a grave, you'll surely die within the year.
  • Breaking a mirror is extremely unlucky, but if you take the shards out and bury them by moonlight, it will be reversed.
  • Scattering ashes over a roof of any kind protects it against lightning.
Edited by Fairywren
Minor fix
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