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Cloud Atlas

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Highly underrated movie. I saw it last year in theaters, loved it. Although there was like 2 or 3 of the "stories" that I would love to see have a whole movie of it's own tbh. So that kind of hurt it a bit for me.


Still, a lovely ambitious project and overall a very enjoyable story. With brilliant music I might add.



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(It is so odd that I'm posting my first post here but I just saw the thread title on the side of page.)


I recently watched Cloud Atlas about 2 weeks ago! I also found it to be amazing and I want to read the book now. I was very surprised at how many stories came together in one movie. I was drawn in by the movie personally and even felt a bit mentally drained afterwards. There were a lot of emotions involved. I want to watch the movie again but I'm planning to wait a bit.


The scene/word that still stands out and bothers me is - soap -

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I agree Gerik. It was horribly sad and well-made, but something about the scene with him in the tub (When his lover is holding him) moved me to sobbing above a bowl of ice cream.


Just rented it on red box tonight and my boyfriend is all like, "It sucked.. I don't get it and there is too much going on." I should dump him for not appreciating art -.-

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I agree Gerik. It was horribly sad and well-made, but something about the scene with him in the tub (When his lover is holding him) moved me to sobbing above a bowl of ice cream.


Just rented it on red box tonight and my boyfriend is all like, "It sucked.. I don't get it and there is too much going on." I should dump him for not appreciating art -.-


You should dump him and date me!


Except I won't pay for anything! 8-)


But yea, omg that tub scene! And he was so close to finding him in that tower too!

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I agree Gerik. It was horribly sad and well-made, but something about the scene with him in the tub (When his lover is holding him) moved me to sobbing above a bowl of ice cream.


Just rented it on red box tonight and my boyfriend is all like, "It sucked.. I don't get it and there is too much going on." I should dump him for not appreciating art -.-


You should dump him and date me!


Except I won't pay for anything! 8-)


But yea, omg that tub scene!  And he was so close to finding him in that tower too!

I wish I could have jumped through the tv and grabbed them and just shoved them together. When the clerk of the inn he was staying at asked for his waistcoat (belonging to his love) I was soooo mad!


And I wouldn't date you =) You are holding a cupcake, and I hate cupcakes!

Highly underrated movie. I saw it last year in theaters, loved it. Although there was like 2 or 3 of the "stories" that I would love to see have a whole movie of it's own tbh. So that kind of hurt it a bit for me.


Still, a lovely ambitious project and overall a very enjoyable story. With brilliant music I might add.



Wow, the music is actually really good! Never noticed it with everything happening!

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I wish I could have jumped through the tv and grabbed them and just shoved them together. When the clerk of the inn he was staying at asked for his waistcoat (belonging to his love) I was soooo mad!


And I wouldn't date you =) You are holding a cupcake, and I hate cupcakes!



I really liked the Sonmi 451 parts too x_x

The environments were gorgeous. I wish I could visit that restaurant.

But yeah, I agree with Shippuu about some of the parts deserving their own movies, personally I could do without the old guy (even though the nursing home scene part was hilarious.)


You don't like cupcakes?!

I declare you evil!

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I wish I could have jumped through the tv and grabbed them and just shoved them together. When the clerk of the inn he was staying at asked for his waistcoat (belonging to his love) I was soooo mad!


And I wouldn't date you =) You are holding a cupcake, and I hate cupcakes!



I really liked the Sonmi 451 parts too x_x

The environments were gorgeous.  I wish I could visit that restaurant.

But yeah, I agree with Shippuu about some of the parts deserving their own movies, personally I could do without the old guy (even though the nursing home scene part was hilarious.)


You don't like cupcakes?!

I declare you evil!

Yes the environments were pretty. "I KNOW I KNOW" <-- Made me laugh constantly!


Yes, cake is better..

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Yes the environments were pretty. "I KNOW I KNOW" <-- Made me laugh constantly!


Yes, cake is better..


Hmmm, ok, as long as some sort of cake is involved then.

/removes Fire Olive's evil label.


Also, Cake while remaining on topic!



What was your favorite part?

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The corner with all of the icing.. 5% cake. Hah!


Hmmm.. that is a rough question... There were a couple so I will just say them.


Not in any particular order!

1.) Tub Scene

2.) During the interview in the future, when she gets up from the table and tells him, " Someone already believes.."

3.) On the boat, when the main character in that scene moves the gun away from shooting the stowaway.

Yes the environments were pretty. "I KNOW I KNOW" <-- Made me laugh constantly!


Yes, cake is better..


Hmmm, ok, as long as some sort of cake is involved then.

/removes Fire Olive's evil label.


Also, Cake while remaining on topic!



What was your favorite part?

Meant to quote, my bad.. lol The corner with all of the icing.. 5% cake. Hah!


Hmmm.. that is a rough question... There were a couple so I will just say them.



Not in any particular order!

1.) Tub Scene

2.) During the interview in the future, when she gets up from the table and tells him, " Someone already believes.."

3.) On the boat, when the main character in that scene moves the gun away from shooting the stowaway.

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The corner with all of the icing.. 5% cake. Hah!


Hmmm.. that is a rough question... There were a couple so I will just say them.


Not in any particular order!

1.) Tub Scene

2.) During the interview in the future, when she gets up from the table and tells him, " Someone already believes.."

3.) On the boat, when the main character in that scene moves the gun away from shooting the stowaway.


Omagah, yes the interview scene. I really liked the whole tagline for the whole movie too, and the quotes that came out of it x_x


“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”


Fffffff so good

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The corner with all of the icing.. 5% cake. Hah!


Hmmm.. that is a rough question... There were a couple so I will just say them.


Not in any particular order!

1.) Tub Scene

2.) During the interview in the future, when she gets up from the table and tells him, " Someone already believes.."

3.) On the boat, when the main character in that scene moves the gun away from shooting the stowaway.


Omagah, yes the interview scene.  I really liked the whole tagline for the whole movie too, and the quotes that came out of it x_x


“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”


Fffffff so good

That part made me laugh out loud! I said Owned! My bf told me to shut up because I ruined the moment. >.< lol!

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I agree Gerik. It was horribly sad and well-made, but something about the scene with him in the tub (When his lover is holding him) moved me to sobbing above a bowl of ice cream.


Just rented it on red box tonight and my boyfriend is all like, "It sucked.. I don't get it and there is too much going on." I should dump him for not appreciating art -.-


Your boyfriend sounds similar to my dad when it comes to movies. There's just some connection in the brain malfunctioning apparently :P My dad doesn't 'get' any movie that has something deeper going on than what is actually on the screen at the moment.

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I agree Gerik. It was horribly sad and well-made, but something about the scene with him in the tub (When his lover is holding him) moved me to sobbing above a bowl of ice cream.


Just rented it on red box tonight and my boyfriend is all like, "It sucked.. I don't get it and there is too much going on." I should dump him for not appreciating art -.-


Your boyfriend sounds similar to my dad when it comes to movies. There's just some connection in the brain malfunctioning apparently :P My dad doesn't 'get' any movie that has something deeper going on than what is actually on the screen at the moment.

Exactly! If the movie implies something or it is just taking too long to explain a missing connection, he gets frustrated lol!

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