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LF Long Term RP and RP Friends [ Mateus ]

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I'm new to FFXIV but not new to RP. I'm currently looking for more RP on Mateus and am interested in long-term RP and RP friends but any RP really is alright short or long-term. 

If you wanna have an idea of my character, I got this: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Alwyn_Asakura

And if you see Alwyn ever online don't be afraid to approach. ^^


Just to give you guys a lot a better idea of Alwyn, a TL:DR if you will. 


Alwyn is best described as a laid back wanderer. He's been wandering for a good majority of his life with no end of it in sight. This has lead him to have a lack of social connection as he never stayed in one place ever for a prolonged period of time. Needless to say, he's been looking to make more friends and connections now and has figured out that, that sort of component to one's life is important to have. Due to his upbringing he's as compassionate and as kind as one can be, but in no way does that mean he's a pushover or that he's unwilling to defend himself or others that he cares about. Besides that he's just an overall friendly individual who's looking to make friends.


Other Information You Can Ascertain From The Profile

Hobbies: Fishing, Reading

Likes: Food, Wandering

Dislikes: Fighting, Meanness


Everything else is basically in the profile link up above for those who are most interested except for the fact that he is straight.


As a disclaimer: For IC love relationships with Alwyn, I've generally been letting things develop with people as they go along. He does have an interest in a certain individual at the moment.


If you're interest in RP for Alwyn, add me on Discord (Tenkhin#8724 but message me that you saw the forum post so I know) or reply to the forum, or PM me on this site and we'll talk further about it, mostly though, it'll probably just be a meeting and seeing if both Alwyn and your character interact well with each other after a few RP interactions.


Happy RPing you lot!

Edited by Tenkhin
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