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Holy Newbie Batman!

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Hi There!


Tentatively diving back into MMO's after a very long absence; got into EVE almost a decade ago, but never really got attached to any others. Mainly happened because I really want to play a role, and I never really found much tolerance for someone who tries to stay IC as much as possible. For FFXIV I really want to RP heavily through the quests and get as immersed as possible, be in character from the moment I log in to the moment I leave. I'm also thinking I'm probably so green in the MMO community it's going to be painfully obvious.


Don't have a huge amount of MMO experience, but I've been a part of a fair few community theatre projects, so becoming someone else is a real treat. Stumbled upon this community randomly as I was looking into FFXIV. You can partly blame the SAO anime for reigniting my desire to RP a character in a fantasy setting.


Terragon is taller than average, dark hair, blue eyes, easy smile, slightly scruffy around the edges. Physically, he's not really special, someone who could easily blend into a crowd. He's that guy from down the street that you kinda know, but doesn't really stand out in the average person's mind at a glance.


Once you speak to him though, there's something 'off' about him. It's maybe the slightly longer than normal pause before he responds, or how he makes comments about facts that everyone knows as though it's big news. Everything he encounters is new and wonderous; almost as though he were a child, learning about the world around him for the first time.


Terragon's backstory begins 5 years ago, with the Battle of Cartenau. Anything before that, he doesn't remember. Under his clothes, there are scars all over, and his earliest memory is dragging himself out from beneath a pile of corpses. As such, any strength he once had, is gone. He's retaught himself how to survive from the snippets of muscle memory he has, but otherwise, he's starting from scratch, and has no idea what led him to the Battle, nor what felled him. His wonder at the things around him likely hides an inherent mental fragility brought on by the trauma he faced; whether or not it resurfaces remains to be seen.


Anyhow, that's all I've got right now, hope to meet some awesome people to share a journey with.

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