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[Balmung] Looking for frienemies, plots, what-have-you! :)

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Hello! I am looking to expand my RP scene a bit with some fellow Balmung roleplayers. I took a few months off from the game, but now that I am all caught up PvE-wise (mostly) I am ready to dive into some RP. I'd love to be able to involve my characters--primarily Tansui Sasanami--into some other plots as a supportive character and to meet some new faces outside of my FC. Let me list some of the things I'd be willing to RP!


  • Mature & Dark Plot Themes
  • Adventure/Investigation/Leves
  • Romance (if it makes sense with interactions/plot)
  • Rivalry/Enemies
  • Friends & Allies


At this time, I am not really interested in "slice of life" RP, tavern RP, or daily happenings type of RP. My FC has a biweekly social/tavern night for that kind of chat and interaction. (Which anyone is welcome to come to, btw!) I am looking to get my chars' hands dirty with some real plotty goodness. I have years of experience running FC-wide and personal plots, myself, but I am also totally willing to take the back seat and enjoy the ride as well. I'm the type of RPer who will try to "give back" to the plot in ways that make sense for my character. I don't enjoy being lead around by the nose all the time, but I also understand sometimes that there are "cutscene" elements to stories that have to take place. I'm easy-going.


My ground rules as a RPer are likely not different from many other peoples', but I will lay them out here so they aren't nebulous:


  • Real life comes first. Sorry, that's just how it be. I try my best, but I can't always be in game or Discord. My work has a strict No Phones policy, so most of the weekday mornings and afternoons I am unreachable, except during lunch. (However, I always respond once I am allowed to have my phone.) I also own a farmette, have a husband and pets, and generally have a life outside of game. I don't demand anyone's time because I know how precious it is, so I expect the same courtesy.
  • OOC knowledge is OOC and IC knowledge is IC. I do not engage with extreme literally-know-it-all characters or players who don't know how to separate their character from themselves. This goes for all things, not just romance.
  • I am a lore-abiding RPer who is usually fine with some head-canon-ing. Again, I'm easygoing, but things just have to make sense to me!
  • I am fine with and enjoy mature/sexual/dark themes as stated above, but I will step away from any scene that feels wrong or gratuitous to me.


Now, with the boring stuff out of the way, here is a link to my 4 currently active characters. I promise it isn't a whole lot to read! My Discord handle is Amy#6989, and you can PM anytime you'd like! I am willing to RP both in game and Discord. I look forward to creating stories with you! ♥

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