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[Mateus] Looking to get started!

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Hi! I'm pretty new to Mateus in general, though I have been playing FFXIV since 2.0 launched. I am new to RPing in this format, though not at all new to roleplaying in general. I have roughly 10+ year experience. I'm totally willing to RP in game or over discord. Whichever is more convenient at the time. I am really looking to get my Raen Au Ra Yuriko Mitsuhoshi into some plots, and maybe eventually her brother Hiryu. Romance and friendships are a priority for me, but honestly I'm down for whatever you can come up with. I don't have any specific hooks, but if you come up and say something to her she's going to respond. She won't go searching you out, though. Not until she's comfortable with you. You can read her character profile here, on the Wiki. I do have Discord, but my username is hard to search, so just drop yours in this thread or in a PM and I'll add you. Looking forward to seeing/talking with you all!

I. Basic Info

  • Characters: Yuriko Mitsuhoshi, Hiryu Mitsuhoshi
  • Primary character: Yuriko Mitsuhoshi
  • Linkshells: None
  • Primary RP linkshell: None



II. RP Style

  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): I prefer somewhere in the medium to heavy range, but I can really do any level that's comfortable for you!
  • Views on RP combat and injuries: Eh, I prefer to avoid it? But I'm open to discussion.
  • Views on IC romance: I enjoy romance plots a lot, and I'm really looking forward to getting Yuriko and Hiryu both in one, though I am a stickler for "IF IT FEELS RIGHT FOR THE CHARACTERS."
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): Yes! Friends! Rivals! Enemies! All of the above! I like interaction a lot.
  • Views on lore: I'm still learning the lore completely, so forgive me any mistakes I might make. I am doing my best to learn as much as I can, as quickly as I can. If I don't know, I usually ask, and if I'm wrong please let me know! And maybe also source it so I can do some digging myself and learn even more! :D


III. Other Info

  • Country: US
  • Timezone: PST/UTC-8
  • Contact info: Feel free to message me in-game, send a message on here, reply to this page, or even use my discord! I'd rather you send me YOUR discord, though, as my discord name is usually hard to search haha.
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