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[Balmung] Norse inspired Highlander, looking for RP folks

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As the title says, I’m looking to make connections for my Highlander, Askahrafen Gungnirson. I’ve always had bad luck with FCs but I’m still hopeful that there is one out there that will fit well with my roleplay style and general outlook. Other than that, I’m open to meeting and roleplaying with others whom might feel that Askahrafen is someone they’d like to meet as an ally, rival, enemy, drinking buddy, or almost anything else that fits the character. He is inspired by my own admiration for Odin as a single–eyed, grey wanderer, with his spear in hand. I live in the UTC-6 timezone and have been doing tabletop roleplaying for 28 years and have been rping a different character in FFXIV for the past few years off and on but now that character has gone into retirement and it is time for something new.  I generally play 2-3 times a week starting at 8-8:30pm for a few hours with a longer night on the weekends. So, without further ado, here is a rundown on my character.


Character profile

Name : Askahrafen Gungnirson

Race and gender : Highlander from Ishgard/Male.

Age : 42 (but prematurely full grey)

Main class/job : Dragoon

Free Company : None

GC allegiance : The Maelstrom

Physical traits : Sun kissed tan from a life of sailing and wandering about; Grey hair kept tight to his head with shaved sides, and a beard; Scars over his body including a few on his face; A single blue eye, as the other is missing and covered by an eye patch; 6’7”, 285lbs and in peak athletic form

Martial status : Single

Sexual orientation/attraction: Heterosexual


Askahrafen, “Aska” to his friends, is a wanderer, sailor, warrior, and sell sword with a love of drink, companionship, storytelling, and battle. He was born and raised in Ishgard but left after the fall of the holy see to venture to new lands, fight new enemies, and hear new songs song.  Askahrafen uses his own aether to aid him in the fighting style of the dragoons and has faced dragons as enemies and now allies, and now looks to the world at large to provide new challenges and allies. He has an interest in magic but for now it is more of a curiosity but his great love of knowledge will allow him to be enthralled by anyone who wishes to talk with him on the subject. He values a good entertainer and will happily give his coin to those worthy of it. He tries to live his life by 9 virtues he holds dear and although he may falter from time to time they help guide him and he respects anyone who attempts to live with a respect for his virtues. 


The Nine Noble Virtues are:

1.      Courage (Valiance)

2.      Truth (Sincerity)

3.      Honor

4.      Fidelity

5.      Discipline

6.      Hospitality

7.      Self Reliance

8.      Industriousness (Diligence)

9.      Perseverance


Please feel free to contact me here or via discord (@Raven's Spear#5674) if you’re interested in meeting Askahrafen or think he might fit well in your FC.

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