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LF RP friends & FC and Dad (Balmung)

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Hello there,

yes, I am looking for an RP daddy! This is not supposed to start out naughty or anything - I wish to experience the comfort of a dad-daughter relationship that is based on trust, respect, stability, and comfort. It really comes down how the energetics work between us though - please don't force than on me.

I also look for RP friends, preferably around a teenage-young adult age to go party, hang out at selected locations, talk bad about adults that got boring. An FC based around that would be really cool!

Here is a little bit about my OC - Loelia Panipahr:

  • 15 year old Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te born outside Gridania in the forest of Peacegarden.
  • She currently lives by herself, kinda scraping by with side jobs.
  • No contact to family: mother left father and took Loelia with her. No contact to father but Loelia wishes to meet him. She has been by herself since the age of 14 when her mother had a boyfriend who abused her. Loelia does not know why her parents aren't together anymore - her mother never talked about him, was also abusive. 
  • would like to see stability in life - is shy to express herself around strangers and takes awhile to warm up.


I don't mind creating another character on a different server :)

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