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I'm giving FF14 a go right now as ever since I left LotRO (my first MMO) I've had a really difficult time finding an MMO that is really immersive. I went from LotRO to WoW, to SWTOR, to ESO, and while they all had some elements I really enjoyed, they failed to just retain my attention for long. Could be that LotRO being my first MMO has a certain nostalgia, but I've heard really good things about FF14 that make me think it could end up being very close.


With that said, I am on a trial account. I know it's got some limitations (no classes/jobs above 35), gold limit, can't use certain chat channels (not sure about say or being able to emote). I was wondering if anyone here has RPed while on a trial account and how much it impeded RP, or RPed with someone on a trial account and if it made it more difficult? 

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