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World Transfers

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A statement was made in an earlier thread under the RP Discussion forum that legacy characters weren't able to transfer to non-legacy servers. Whereas the information posted in the following link seems to suggest otherwise.


[Regional Data Centers and World Transfers (06/05/2013)]




I would be interested to see where the information originated from stating to the contrary. I'm only asking this for the purposes of ensuring the information making it to these boards is correct.

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I may have missed the posts (hard to keep up with the forums these days ><), but I believe the no transfer thing was only in regards to this weekend's test. SE is testing 1.0 character importing and wants to ensure that things are stable before allowing transfers to the legacy servers.


In general (sometime after phase 3), transferring to legacy servers will be no problem according to SE's past posts. It's just for this weekend's test that it's not allowed.

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oh yeah... it does sort of suggest that Legacy characters automatically get put on a legacy server but then can transfer to any world they want via application. Not sure if it is limited to other legacy servers or not though since it states "During the World transfer application period indicated above, players will be able to select a destination World on the World Transfer Application Page."  

 It doesn't really say which servers will be on the list.

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If you notice on that link you provided, they are listing the Legacy servers only. Legacy characters will be able to transfer to other Legacy servers to ensure that they are on the right data center for where they live.  But at launch, Legacy characters will NOT be allowed to transfer to non-Legacy servers. I believe they have said they will be looking into letting us in future, but they likely want the non-Legacy servers to be able to establish their economies first. New characters can be created on Legacy servers however (though not this weekend). I'll be searching for my source when I get home later.

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If it's true that Legacy characters cannot transfer to non-Legacy servers...that may end badly for us all if they declare an RP server and it's non-Legacy. While some of us who haven't gotten far (I only got to 20 on three jobs across two characters, for example) might not be hit so badly by re-rolling, others take a huge hit.


I'm really hoping they consider this if they decide to make an RP server AND make it non-Legacy.

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If it's true that Legacy characters cannot transfer to non-Legacy servers...that may end badly for us all if they declare an RP server and it's non-Legacy. While some of us who haven't gotten far (I only got to 20 on three jobs across two characters, for example) might not be hit so badly by re-rolling, others take a huge hit.


I'm really hoping they consider this if they decide to make an RP server AND make it non-Legacy.


I would say let's not start getting worked up until something is announced. I understand the need for worst case scenario back-up plans, but it isn't official yet.

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If it's true that Legacy characters cannot transfer to non-Legacy servers...that may end badly for us all if they declare an RP server and it's non-Legacy. While some of us who haven't gotten far (I only got to 20 on three jobs across two characters, for example) might not be hit so badly by re-rolling, others take a huge hit.


I'm really hoping they consider this if they decide to make an RP server AND make it non-Legacy.


I would say let's not start getting worked up until something is announced. I understand the need for worst case scenario back-up plans, but it isn't official yet.


Even if they do that, there are ways to deal with it. Likely they would open up transfers after a few months anyway. We could just create an alt version of our characters on the RP server to get us through until then.

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If it's true that Legacy characters cannot transfer to non-Legacy servers...that may end badly for us all if they declare an RP server and it's non-Legacy. While some of us who haven't gotten far (I only got to 20 on three jobs across two characters, for example) might not be hit so badly by re-rolling, others take a huge hit.


I'm really hoping they consider this if they decide to make an RP server AND make it non-Legacy.


I would say let's not start getting worked up until something is announced. I understand the need for worst case scenario back-up plans, but it isn't official yet.


Even if they do that, there are ways to deal with it. Likely they would open up transfers after a few months anyway. We could just create an alt version of our characters on the RP server to get us through until then.

Certainly the best way to look at it. In the long run, things will even out... Just the short term that we kinda all have to maneuver about.

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