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Concerns regarding upcoming free transfers

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Hello. First time posting here. Been wanting to RP in FF14 for a while when I joined up at the tail end of heavensword. Found Balmung was congested so I opted for a random server,midgardsormr, and would try to transfer later. No such luck finding an opening. I also failed to realize Mateus was the secondary server. For a long time, I had debated if I should spend the cash to do a transfer or not. With the server shuffle coming, and the offer for free transfers, I thought this might be a good chance to at least go to Mateus.


The concern though, is whether or not this will spark massive transfers and across all servers, and potentially cause Mateus to be flagged as congested, preventing me all together. I'd need to move to another server regardless, since Midgardsormr won't share the same data center as Balmung or Mateus. I know I can find an RP group wherever I go, but at least being in the same server group would make finding people easier. 


Should I risk the free service at the end of April? or pay for a transfer sooner. I'm just paranoid I'll miss my chance if I wait. 

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4 minutes ago, LiadansWhisper said:

Honestly?  If you're worried, I'd transfer now.  I think it's only like $8 or $10 for all of your characters to go in one fell swoop?

combine the two sadly, 18 dollars from what I've read. I'll give it some thought today. I've got to go to work in a few. Thanks for the input though. Maybe I will just bite the bullet and get it over with. 

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