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Looking for friends on Cactaur / Aether DC.

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Newly moving to Cactaur with the data center changes and hoping to find some people to RP with. ;__; Obviously with the world visit system, it could be any server on aether though.


I've been roleplaying for 10 years now but I've not done much RP on FFXIV. I'd really like to, though! 


Style: Literate, Multipara/Novella, 3rd person

Example of my RP (non-ffxiv): 




(Some context: my friend and I often play multiple characters in one rp. The cat is a shape shifter my friend plays, in case the interaction seems unwelcoming to replies. )



My main character is a female miqote but I've been considering to make a male miqote alt... (for reference, I'm a female irl but often play male characters). Her personality isn't set in stone yet but in general, I think she'll be sweet with a bite. She is a supportive type character and idolizes tank characters as they prevent people from getting hurt while she can only help once they've already been injured (as a white mage). She also admires the strength of DPS. 


I have a tendency to create characters based mainly around the type of roleplay in mind though, so her character is not strongly developed as of yet. (I tend to have the default personality be the one from the RP I find most enjoyable to play but I am very flexible). Some people may not like this kind of approach and if you're one of those types then I'm sorry. ; ~ ; But, I enjoy having some flexibility and being able to RP as different types of characters without having to use entirely new characters every time. If you tell me a bit about your character and the types of RP you enjoy having, I could work out a personality/background for my character that I think would make for an interesting dynamic with yours~


Please let me know if you'd be interested in RP! 

Important note: I do not date online, please don't RP with me if this is your end game. However, I'm open to romance in RP as long as it's understood that I AM NOT my character and I'm married irl. I hate that I even have to say this but it's a common struggle in other rp communities I've been in.

Edited by Fenix Down
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