Diego2112Gaming Posted May 8, 2019 Share #1 Posted May 8, 2019 (edited) How the heck are ya? I'm Diego, the Gaming Gamer Who Games, and I figured as I'm hoping to RP my character, that signing up here would be a decent idea. So the template suggests I talk about my MMO background a little bit. Alrighty then! I've been doing MMOs in and off since FFXI, I joined that around 2006ish, and still occasionally jump back on. I RP'd a good bit with my LS. Eventually, though, the player base started to thin out, so a regular service account became cost ineffective. During that same stint I somehow ended up with a WoW account. I ran a Night Elf druid, and sucked. RP was nearly non existent, and the whole thing was just too grindy (this, coming from a FFXI player). In 2015 the wife and I jumped into FFXIV, and made it to around level 32 before we realized that my rig wasn't up to tanking, managing around 15fps. If I was looking at a clear blue sky. As a tank, you can see how this would cause issues. So I quit for a couple of years. Last summer the kiddo got me a copy of ESO for Father's Day, and I had a rig that could handle it. Still, not enough to MMO with the wife, since we only had the one rig. We fixed that about two months ago, even hooking the kid up with a gaming rig to join in the fun. So that's my MMO experience. As varied as that is, my actual RP experience is even longer, and to save your sanity, I'll truncate it a bit. Essentially, I've been doing things like D&D/GURPS/Pathfinder/et al for well over half my life, I've a rather large collection of rule sets, splat books, lore collections, modules, and more PDFs than you can shake a stick at (I really don't understand that phrase, the implication is after a certain point you won't be able to shake said stick, but I'm yet to encounter such a thing in the real world). In pointed fact, with zero knowledge of Satan's Game (D&D, I was raised rather strict), a mate and I came up with a similar rule set based off our love of all things LotR, Narnia, and WoT. We used d6s to determine success or failure, had classes, races, factions... I'm actually working on converting that system to d20 and want to eventually (thanks to the DM's Guild) use the SRD to publish it as a fullblown setting for D&D. Moving on to characters, I've a few concepts I generally use (or variations thereof) in any RPG, MMO or otherwise. This allows me to slide into a familiar role in an unfamiliar setting so I can pay more attention to learning the lay of the land rather than the mind of a new character. The one that has been, in some degree or another, in nearly every game I've played is Shadow Weaver (Sha'dow, on the server, as apparently without the apostrophe it's taken?). The concept was birthed as a punishment for a GM playing sillybuggers with the rules and punishing the ENTIRE PARTY for the sins of one, calling down a Tyrstorm on squishy level 2 characters nearly resulting in a TPK. The Weaver was created as a warning--"you kill my dude because you're pissed at [player], and THIS is the fresh hell you'll unleash." To say the character was over the top is to say the sky is blue. Hedonistic to the extreme, drunken, womanizing, true neutral with neutral evil leanings (we eventually came up with a system to randomize his alignment by the day), and out for coin and cleavage. The point was to make a character that made Old Man Henderson look not broken. The funny thing was after that game died (yay having to adult), I started refining the character. The base of him is still there--hedonist, likes his drink, appreciates a well-turned ankle--but now rather than being played by THAT Guy (you know the guy, we ALL know the guy), he's actually a really fun character to be around. Gone is the "I roll to see if I get lucky" at literally Every. Single. Tavern. No more does he require an entire bottle of spirits before he can even be arsed into drawing his sword. No longer does he flirt with anything female (and some male) that has a pulse (or not, after all, vampires). No, now he's your seemingly average sellsword who only drinks to excess, and who's actually in a dedicated, monogamous relationship (though he does tend to show off if he thinks he'll get noticed, peacocking as it were). Sarcasm is his default setting, but he's also got a decent head on his shoulders. So yeah, that's the Weaver. How I heard about this place? Googling tips on role playing in FFXIV. I figured it'd been a while, better brush up now that I'm planning on hunkering down and doing this (on the weekends). The type of role play for me depends on the day. I generally like to be hardcore/heavy in the character (to the degree of requiring an inn room to change gear, not wearing armour when I'm knocking about the town, taking regular meals etc.), but some days, if it's been a particularly hard week at work (or life in general), I'll RP the story bits, but OOC the rest. That's rare, but it does happen. Ok, IRL stuff... I'm married, have a kid (too smart for her own good), and they're the reason I get out of the bed each morning. The wife is really big on XIV, and even bigger on XI (sadly, dwindling player base means it's more of a single player online RPG). We all three play XIV, and I'll sometimes dive back into ESO. The wife and I both write fantasy, hers is more romantic, mine is, well, it's extremely dark, extremely violent, and I'm not very friendly to my characters. She writes because she breathes. I write to deal with PTSD and bipolar 1. I play bass/guitar/drums/other, and have been in locally successful bands back in my younger days (one I was in opened for Manson around half a lifetime ago). I am an aspiring YouTuber, focusing on doing let's role play content, mostly around Bethesda Game Studio titles like Elder Scrolls and Fallout (not 76, dear gods no). I've next to no content at the moment, but I'm working on it. I didn't grow up in America. Was born here, will probably die here, formative years were in Africa/Middle East/Former Soviet Europe. I work 12 hour days (including 3 hour round trip commute) 5-6 days a week (wife works the same job). Video games are our unwinding/decompression. Righto, everything seems to be in order. Speaking of work, I'm typing this on my phone on the commute in. Feel free to ask any questions, comment, or whathaveyou. Ill eventually get a full backstory for the Weaver up somewhere around here. Anyroad, work is calling my name, and while I wish I could tell it where to stick it, no money==no subscription fee==no fun! Edited May 9, 2019 by Diego2112Gaming Added picture from lodestone of my character in his "knocking about" outfit Link to comment
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