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In-Game Keyboard

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Hey everyone, I been wondering, do you guys know if there's going to be an in-game keyboard to use for chatting in the PS3 version of the game or do you have to buy a keyboard to plug into it?

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I personally haven't seen any information about an in-game keyboard. I expect at the very least they'll put in some sort of way to spit out the "auto-translated" phrases.


If you're looking for a keyboard for your PS3, there's a lot of really good and fairly inexpensive BT keyboards. Personally, when I need a keyboard and mouse on my PS3 (rarely, but it's happened :) ), I use an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Mouse. Both of them have excellent range and battery life. Of course, having to keep a keyboard around to talk sort of defeats the purpose of playing with the gamepad...

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You probably want to buy a peripheral or just plug in a regular keyboard with USB connection. I remember some games that utilize the "in-game" keyboard on the PS3, but I don't know if this game will do so. The thing is, even if it does, it requires a lot of hunting and pecking with the analog sticks and would be slower to respond.


As to the peripheral I mention, it is a rather small thing that sits on your PS3 controller and would look like this once connected:





You don't have to get a blue-tooth keyboard if you don't want it; any old keyboard with a USB ought to do.

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Hmms, okay. I might just get it for computer though, cause if I'm gonna RP in-game, switching between the keyboard and the controller could get annoying purty fast. XS Thankies though.

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I think I'm going to go for this...




I assume it'll work much like the keypad on a cell phone. Should be manageable I think.


I'm a minimalist, so if I can get away with not having to spend money for a wireless keyboard, or not having to worry about a wired keyboard getting in the way of things, I'll do it.

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There is an in-game keyboard on PS3. Use the SELECT button to put the cursor on the chat window, move it to the input box, and some options will show up underneath telling you how to bring up the keyboard. I think it's the SQUARE button, but I can't check because the beta is down right now. It'll say though.


Personally I use a keyboard, it's much easier. I've got a cheapo keyboard from Walmart I'm using.

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There is an in-game keyboard on PS3. Use the SELECT button to put the cursor on the chat window, move it to the input box, and some options will show up underneath telling you how to bring up the keyboard. I think it's the SQUARE button, but I can't check because the beta is down right now. It'll say though.


Personally I use a keyboard, it's much easier. I've got a cheapo keyboard from Walmart I'm using.


I'm pretty sure it's SELECT and then the TRIANGLE button. A little option should come up and tell you which is which for the ps KEYBOARD.

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Hmmms, that keypad looks PURTY convenient. But I don't think I can get that AND the game at the same time, sooo hm... I'm not sure what to do now. XS I might just get it on computer anyways but thankies guys for ALL the input, of course more input is always welcome. ^^ Unless I change my mind, because they keypad keyboard looks like it could come in handy for sure. Do you guys know if you can take screenshots in game? And like send it to a computer to upload pictures? Cause I'd sure like to take a picture of Izaza to show everyone here.

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I'M SORRY FOR SPAMMING THIS THREAD. You're just asking the same questions I was searching for and found some answers.


From what I learned, if you press the PS button and the START button at the same time, you can take a screenshot of mostly any game. I'm not sure if it's true for FFXIV, but that's how you take a general screenshot. To transfer it to your computer, all you need is a usb memory stick and send it to the memory stick and plug it into your computer to send it to the web and whatnot.


It's a process, but it's not too big of a deal (to me, subjectively).

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Ooooh! I has a USB jump drive thing so yays! I think I'm gonna get it for PS3, and get that keyboard in August, since I'm pre-ordering the game next month. And it's okay Hyunseo don't worry about it! Hehe, you're not spamming the thread at all. I don't really mind, as long as it somehow doesn't become a heated argument. ^^ I hope that little keyboard thing isn't bulky though, maybe I should get that next month and the game in August, hmmm...*thinks about it* it doesn't LOOK bulky... hmmms

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I'm glad I could be of some help. About the attachable controller keyboard, the only complaint I see is that the buttons are a little small. As long as that isn't a big deal to you, then it might be an interesting asset to RPing on PS3.


If small keys aren't your thing, a regular usb plug-n-play keyboard should work just fine, too.


Happy gaming!

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There currently not a way to take screenshots on PS3 (PS + START doesn't work), but the Community Reps on the Beta forums have stated that they are planning on giving PS3 the ability to take screenshots but it's just not implemented yet.


"[...] we are planning to implement this function. We know you guys are eager to take pictures, but please hang in there just a little while longer!


As was also mentioned, we plan to allow players on the PlayStation 3 to take screenshots using only the gamepad, though it will be somewhat tricky."

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Hmm, tricky huh? I hope they don't stress themselves out trying to figure out how to do that. XS Those poor guys. And I don't think I'd mind the little keys. I has little fingers. Hehe, so thankies everyone! ^^ I'm gonna play open beta on compy probably so I can take LOTS of pictures and show them to everyone, hopefully I can still use Iza on the PS3 account afterwards. Since I'm not sure if they're going to wipe them or not.

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