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Another returning player (Omega EU)

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After finally managing to get my life in order enough to devote time to a great MMO, i'm back here looking to find a group to play with and share adventures with.

I love the RP elements of this game, even though my lore knowledge has never been the best. And im hoping to find a free company on Omega EU that I can join for some role play fun, as well as doing in game things as a group. Preferably one that is forgiving of my lack of knowledge.

Im a *cough* year old single dad too, so I cant always commit time like I could back in the wild days of 48 hour gaming sessions, but I will hopefully be on when time allows to join events, go adventuring, and hanging out.

Here's hoping.


Have fun out there!



Edited by Thalzyan
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thanks a lot.

Have joined on the discord, but looking for a little advice from the collective, if I may.


I think I am a pretty experienced role player, and really want to get into the RP scene on FF14. I havent at my other times of playing and I honestly think that's why I didn't play it as much as I might have done. 


However, my lore knowledge is extremely limited, to the point of barely existing. And my ability to retain information is also limited, because reasons. I will learn after a time, but id rather like to try my hand at some role play whilst im doing it. 

I would like to play someone that through, for whatever reason, has barely any idea about the world and its history. And then hopefully find a group that would be able to a) put up with my lack of knowledge, and b) maybe help Thal when they can to help him understand the wonderous world he lives in. 

My problem is coming up with a reason why he would have such massive memory loss. I dont want him to have forgotten who he is if I can help it, but only to the extent he knows his name, has recollections of a family and growing up in a forested place.

He is currently a Midlander, but I would be open to swap his race and name around to find something which might fit. 


If anyone has any advice, it would be HUGELY appreciated. 


Thanks a lot



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Well, I can tell you from first-hand experience that whatever lore question, or character flashing out doubt you have, there's plenty of helpful people about in the Chaos discord. So don't be shy and ask about! 


Now, as for what concerns your character, I assume he (and you both) are at least knowledgeable on the very basics? There's plenty of ways to accomodate character growth alongside OOC learning the lore, ranging from young age to selective memory loss due to an extreme psychological shock. 

I don't know how old Thal is supposed to be but, without going into any memory loss complications, a simple approach could be that he grew up in a very secluded settlement in which people don't bother at all with the happenings of the bigger world, going about their lives thinking and knowing only about what happens in their close-knit community. 

That way Thal could know full well who he is, but have all the room to get to know the outside world and learn new things without impairing/complicating too much the character from the get go. 


Just my two cents, btw ;)



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