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Zalera! A Growing RP Crystal Server!

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I would just like people to know that Zalera has a growing RP community! With the Discord population more than 400+! I know it's difficult to create characters on Mateus and Balmung, and just wanted to point out this fact. Goblin and Coeurl also seem to be viable options, but my experience on Zalera has been pretty good so far! So if you're a new or returning player looking for a new home, please consider Zalera!

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I'm not quite a Balmung transplant because my original and main Mandy is still on Balmung, but I hopped an anchor alt over to Zalera and got myself a house because, well. You can quite literally go plot shopping and walk up to a plot you want and just BUY it instead of standing there clicking against fifty bajillion other people for hours on end, which was kind of amazing to me!


People seem friendly so far, and this thread is worth giving a bump! :D I'd love to see an rp community grow and flourish on this server, and have home server people coming to use Mandy's new clinic, too!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there, new Zalera rper/MMOer here! For someone who's never rp'ed in an MMO before, what are good ways to find/connect with other rpers on the Zalera server? And what kind of stories/styles/overarching things a new RPer should know about the Zalera rp scene or story? Themes, plots, currently existing group dynamics, groups known for being into RP..?

Edited by Halfghostbrawler
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the late reply! For the most part, things vary from individual to individual, from group to group. Key is finding a group you click with, who also run the sort of themes or stories you enjoy. 




The above link is for the Zalera RP community where you can meet, coordinate, and find others who may suit your tastes.

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