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Hiya~ New to the RP scene!


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So, My name is Zanvius, most people call me Zan, Zanvy, zanny, etc. I have a couple months experience playing XIV on and off, but Shadowbringer brought me back and the story has me even more interested in the game now! The main reason I started playing XIV however was to hopefully get into RP, but for the longest time it felt daunting and strict to get into (didn't help that I was/am shy and it takes a bit of time to actually get warmed up to people, let alone adventuring into RP). atm, I am looking for a FC to join and thought it best to find a light-medium RP FC. While searching I Luckily found this forum to try and get my RP life started~
moving on to the generic questions for people to get to know me!

  • MMORPG background

I've dabbled in quite a few MMOs.. but I didn't stay in most of them long enough to really matter. The more notable ones include: MapleStory, Dungeon Fighters Online, Mabinogi (did some RP in this one~), Shaiya and Blade and Soul. These are just the ones off the top of my head, I've jumped ships too many times to list, However Mabinogi is the one I've spent the most time in (and still do from time to time).

  • RP experience

A couple sessions of DnD that died out before it could really get anywhere and RPing with a few people in Mabinogi

  • Character ideas/info

Right now I'm working on my Viera, Sonja Wolt- a boisterous fighter who isn't afraid to run straight into any obstacle or suffer any kind of injury in her pursuit to learn more fighting techniques and explore the world! She's just as likely to laugh and drink with you as she is to suplex you (lovingly if she considers you a friend) for getting snarky. Her background and deeper personality isn't really built yet and I'm happy to receive any ideas or tips to make her more interesting!

I have quite a few character ideas to work with but for the foreseeable future my main focus will be her~

  • How did you learn about the coalition?

Googled RP FC ffxiv and this website popped up. ez pz.

  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)

I believe a light to medium RPer, at least until I get more experience and better able to create a narrative for my character, then I wouldn't mind going heavy! I prefer slice of life styles of RP and building relationships that way, however I am 100% down for any other style!

  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)

I work a full time job with hours that can change drastically sadly, doesn't occur often but it can and will happen if you stick with me for a while. I'm your typical nerd as well~ Anime, manga, video games... you name it, though lately my focus is on manga and only a few vidja games. I'm always down to play other games with people who are interested (thinking about playing borderlands again). My girlfriend and her friends also play and RP in this game, and are a lot more experienced than me in everything XIV related, but I want to strike out and meet some new people on my own instead of relying on them all the time. There's other information I don't mind sharing but not in a public setting~ For those of you who even read this far down thank you for your time! If you see me around feel free to say hi or add me or anything, I'm trying to become less shy and open up more!

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Hey Zan! Looks like we are in the same boat in terms of noob-ness and being shy, lol. what server are you playing on? (edit- I'm a dumbass, I see it's Balmung now)


My ign is Basho Gunji and I'm on Malboro, but I could travel to any other server in the NA data center!

Edited by Ser
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