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New to MMO RP: Zevity


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Hello, I am Zevity. I have played FFXIV casually on and off over the years. Currently, I have more free time in the evening to play more than the usual casual play. So, I am looking to be more active in the game. A little bit about myself. I use to join big forum roleplays, enjoying the plots and developments throughout the time I was heavily roleplaying. Life of course continues on and eventually I slipped away from it.  It has been a while. Hopping back into roleplaying recently. I realized I have yet to give MMO RP a go. With growing interested. I thought why not.  


I currently have a character on Lamia and Sargatanas, however I am willing to make a new character on any NA servers. 


MMORPG background

I have played MMORPGs on and off throughout the years. Mainly FFXIV and WoW. Though, casually. I do have an interested in becoming more invested in it. 


RP experience

My main experience with RP has been joining roleplay forums, the written style. I have not done anything with MMO RP. That is completely new to me. 


Character ideas/info

I just recently joined. I am hoping to get a character thought up and get started soon. Would love to dive into something like this. It seems like fun. 


How did you learn about the coalition?

I came across it by accident looking for active FCs.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)

I am open to all from light to heavy. Just dive in and go. Though, I may have to learn a few things with it being MMO RP. Completely new to it. 


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)

I work full time. I am not able to get on during the day, only the evenings. Except, my days off where I have more freedom to be on more. Other games I play currently is Rocket League and Sea Of Thieves. I also dabble in art and writing. If ever on voice chat. You may hear a chattering parrot. she doesn't get too loud... often. 


Nice to meet everyone!

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