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I am new to the community but have been an avid RPer through other MMO's such as Gw2, Black Desert Online, SL, Tera, and Archeage. I have been trying to quite some time to get onto the Balmung server since...ver. 1.0 [Yes I have been playing since the time the servers were utter hell]. I am just trying to get rearing for the expansion since I am in the Stormbringers content now, but getting all the sidequests done. 


Currently leveling up my DRG and BLM since I am enjoying them for the moment. Hopefully I am intending to get a small house for RP purposes in the Lavender Beds, but I do wish they had some in Ishgard. 


My character information is in my profile for the time being, but I will make some posts in the near future.

Edited by Hachi
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