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New RP Adventure

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New roleplayer on the Mateus server looking to role-play through the entire story of FF14 together from beginning to end. To create our story together, to find/lose friends along the way, to form our lore, come together with our backstories, react and respond to things happening in the world and the story while progressing as adventurers. I want to fall in love, I want to be betrayed, I want to create deep interesting story arcs within the story we are already giving in the MSQ. 


Available every night to start this adventure. Would love to start sometime this week! Let me know. 

Add me in game and we'll set it up. 


LeiLae Awandah.


See you in game uwu!

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I've been trying to get someone to do MSQ with for ages, so I'd love to do this.


Unfortunately, my timezone may not be compatible. I'm GMT +12, which I worked out is exactly 12 hours ahead of you, so your evening is my morning and vice versa. What times are you usually available?


I'm also on Balmung, not Mateus, but that's more easily worked out.

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