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[Crystal DC] Check back later. Not currently looking for anything more than friends.

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Wall of text, thank you for taking the time to read through!~

Looking for long term rp contact for my main miqo'te lad. I do have a heavy plot line going for him that explores various ideas of SMN ability in reference to primals (ifrit focused) so there is some lore bending and whatnot but I do try not to break lore entirely. He is homosexual, so any romance or physical interactions would be with males only, no exceptions to this for this particular character. Please do NOT message if you're going to be ERP focused or want to ERP every time we meet for RP. While I do enjoy ERP plots, I do not wish for such a theme to take over the RP for this character, a little that makes sense for the story progression at times is fine though!

Di'a is a miqo'te lad that appears in his late teens though his personality and actions sometimes hint at him being older than appearance lets on. He has bright crimson hair tipped in silver that lays messily about his face and often has a few braids or beads or feathers woven through it here or there as little accents to his appearance. He is of average height, at about 5fulms (feet) and his build is fit and lightly toned but not overly muscular. His skin is a soft cream color and he has freckles sprinkled over his nose, cheeks, shoulders, upper back and back of his neck, and over his stomach and upper inner thighs. His tail is long a sleek, crimson and silver tipped same as his hair and he has one deep emerald green eye while the other has a scar over it and is a milky white though it's always covered by his messy hair, he is blind in this eye.

He has a spunky carefree personality most of the time, is a bit of a clutz and danger magnet and acts as he looks. Like a youth who has no clue what the heck he is doing and just bumbles through life all willy nilly like. He does however run a small Tribal Community Hub where he helps give work, home, refuge, and a place to be chaotic to weary tribal people trying to make their way into the public eye a bit more. He's got a talent for deciphering and reading many ancient texts and identifying the authenticity of old relics and artifacts from many a past civilization (training all his early life via his family's business ->more can be found out via rp<-). He's quite easy to befriend though getting closer than that takes some time and work as, while he'll openly tell you all his secrets he has a sort of...."keep your distance" feel to him that is a bit difficult to get past. He's an open book but has found that when you share information you tend to get information in exchange and so often knows more about the goings on about him than his foolish appearance lets on. He also has a tiny flaming carbuncle atop his head or shoulder nearly at all times. His faithful companion is usually harmless and friendly but remember it is a carbuncle and should not be taken lightly! (I use the lesser panda minion as an IC prop for this ^^)

More can be found in his carrd along with screens of his appearance, glam choices, and recent art of him. If you've any questions or wish to start an RP (or even join in on the soon to be starting plot line -> or want more info on that<-) message me here via private message or DM me in discord (if discord doesn't work then poke me here. Sometimes my info doesn't pop up T.T) @ Evil_Vixxen#0693 and I'll get back to you asap! I do discord & in game RP however I'm looking for mainly in game RP with supplimental discord RP between posts or when schedules conflict. I have a thing for getting screenshots of this particular character and would love to include more of him with others. Be it friends, enemies, a mentor, a student, a lover or more please reach out to me!







Edited by Vadi'a Voxhumi
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hallo there! I'd love to give rp between one or even both of your OCs! I'm used to posting in length even in an MMO so dont worry about that. I come from a forum RP background and have found that even in MMORPG style games us multi-para types are well welcomed! It's also why I offer discord rp as sometimes it can be a bit tedious to send multiple paragraphs in game if you're not accustomed to breaking your posts into chatbox length ^^; 


At the moment my phone isnt finding your discord tag via the app but I'll try again when I get back to the PC in the morning and perhaps we can brainstorm some possible meetings between these miqo'te in the future ^^


Oh also a recent development that hasnt made it to his carrd yet is that Di'a is now covered in arcane mixed with tribal tattoos that glow a pulsing orangish red fading to black softly until he channels aether and then they glow vibrantly. I dont have any mapping of them yet as this is VERY new and I'm also broke atm so no commissions in the foreseeable future....such a commission I think would be pretty pricy as it's a full body deal more or less and I dont like to underpay the lovelies I commission. Wuuutttt basically they cover his back entirely, wrap about his shoulders and along his neck and collar bone, might go on his chest/ribs, go down over the backs of his hands, also go over his hips and wrap about his thighs and down over the tops of his feet. It's a lot ^^; and he doesnt cover them....because his style is sorta already set and if you've seen the screenshots I included in his carrd you can see he shows a lot of skin xD


So uhm just wanted to include this ^^;

Edited by Vadi'a Voxhumi
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