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Just decided to 'jump' on in.


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Heyo! I figured it might be a good idea to join. I came here really to try and flesh out my character a bit more since the most you can really do story-wise is dialogue option. Perhaps I'll join a few RPs along the way! I'll just use the template because it's easy,  Haha. 


I. Basic Info

Characters: Rivan Townsend (Male Hyur, Coeurl, Inactive), Kelyx Tridania (Male Miqo'te, Ultros, Alternate)

Primary character: M'hika Lharona (Male Miqo'te, Brynhildr)

Linkshells: N/A

Primary RP linkshell: N/A


II. RP Style

Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Light I guess? I don't RP often anymore,  but when I do,  I try to make something in depth and vivid.

Views on RP combat and injuries: in juries are inevitable if there is combat involved. It is unrealistic to dodge every attack made. Show me a damageless run in FFXIV and I might change my mind.

Views on IC romance: If there is a romance to be had,  I want it to feel natural and not idealized.  That being said,  all my characters are pretty much madly in love with Aymeric so....

Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): It can add depth and story till a character, but again should feel natural and not forced. 

Views on lore: In game lore should be followed decently closely,  but I don't believe that it's realistic to keep everything exactly the game has it. Major plot points should always stay constant though. 

Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): haven't really RPd in game so I have no opinion. 


III. Other Info

Country: USA

Timezone: PST

Contact info: Just find me in game if you can. 

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