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New to FF14, but not MMORPG's or RPing.


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Greetings everyone i hope you all are doing well. I enjoy RPing and being creative. 


MMO Background:

I have played Everquest in the beginning for over 4 years, WoW for 3 years, Dark Age of Camelot, Destiny 2 (i know not much RP options, but i love the stories and characters) and tons more.


RP Experience:

As an adult who enjoyed LARPing many other games in person and online, I have played DnD with a RP heavy groups, Most guilds/clans i join are RP ones.


Character Ideas:

My current character is Mara and I am a White Mage and lvl 63 I have only been playing ff14 for less than 3 weeks. Mara is kinda just me doing what i do in RL (i am in the medical field) just with magic. Have not worked on much for all the details on Mara but she is a Veena (love bunny girls since I played Fantasy Tactics advance and saw Viera) White Mage, i do have what friends have said as a motherly tone online when talking to people, but i also have a soft side and enjoy some attention as well to be honest.


How did you learn about the coalition?:

I was looking for RP groups to meet people and speak to them online and enjoy the company.


Role-player type:

I consider myself a Heavy Role-Player i always like to be in character when online.


Extra Sharing:

I am in the medical field in RL, I have a good understanding of technology, I am a single mother who has 1 child who is my life.



I am open to just chatting and getting to know people. My characters name is Mara Saav on Diabolos. I concider myself as an open book so if you have any questions of me please feel free to ask. 


Thank you.


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