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Somewhat New to RP


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Hi. I've played FFXIV off and on over the years and have recently started up again with a fresh account on Jenova (Aether). I'd really like to get involved in RP. I did it years ago, but that was in MUDs. I'm not the greatest RPer but know how to "not not RP." I.e. I can listen and contribute without being the center of attention. I run a boilerplate character setup (Dunesfolk/Black Mage/Ul'dah/Immortal Flames/Nald'thal). My character is somewhat scholarly and a bit introverted. He's fascinated by Mhach & Belah'diah. I do enjoy healing though so need to find a way to weave that in at some point.


I'm looking for a linkshell for Aether/Jenova to get started, maybe an FC in time. I'd take 3 close friends over 300 acquaintances any day. I stay away from Discord, having had bad experiences in the past. I find it takes away from the game itself and turns into a platform full of bots, parser-talk, and other stuff that does not appeal to me. I follow the ToS to a tee; it is just who I am.


That's about it, thanks!

Edited by grey5000
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Welcome to the FFXIV RP website, Grey! ^_^  I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Discord, I hope you have a more positive experience here. 


 The cool thing about scholarly characters is that conversations can be very easy to strike up and maintain. With a little bit of lore knowledge two or more characters can discuss everything from local politics to magic theories. Such discussions can also help an RPer learn more about what's going on in the game if someone else has more information about a topic. 


I wish Black Mages could still heal a little, it sounds like that would've worked well with your character. 



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