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Crystal DC Cattes [Closed!]

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So, hello! As the title says, I have some characters in the Crystal Data Center that I'd really like to find more RP for. I'm not looking for FCs, but individual RPers to interact with both IC and OOC, to form new stories to tell and gain new friends willing to run content with me. I'm a very active player in the sense that I will, at the very least, log on and check my friends list to see who's around nearly every day at varying times. I realize this may sound strict, but please have a basic (or better) understanding of English grammar, meaning capitalizing and punctuating as necessary while roleplaying. If you want to chat OOCly in all lower case with no punctuation, that is 100% fine and I often do that myself, but for RPing proper grammar is a strict requirement. I will provide more detailed descriptions of the two characters below, but here is what I am seeking:


For Salem, I would like at least one active RP partner. By 'active' I mean roleplaying the characters together at least once per week (barring irl circumstances that I am notified of preventing you from getting on that day). I have a lot of free time, so I am completely willing to adjust as needed to your schedule within reason (aka I can't be getting on at 4 in the morning or something crazy).


Salem Blackstorm is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. However, her family is not tribal, and are not part of any clans, nor will she partake in any tribal activities or adhere to any tribal customs. Currently 18 years old, Salem is a spunky, smartass teenager, so expect cheerful sarcasm and some quick wit. She's somewhat tech-savvy and often fiddles with her gun, but not exactly a brainiac. Probably average intelligence, not great with using magic IC, though she has no qualms with folks that do use it. Looking for romance RP for her (male characters only), but friends are important too! Currently this character is still relatively new, so I may not have a lot of things completely ironed out, but please give her a chance. I am still in the process of leveling machinist, but I promise she will look amazing glamor-wise when I'm finished. This character is located on the Coeurl server, but it is an extremely easy thing for me to go to your server or vise versa with the world visit system. Don't feel obligated to help me level or give me things, but if you do want to party up for roulettes or some PotD I welcome it 🙂


For Senrhi, I am seeking purely platonic relations. She needs friends that will stick around and be up-front with her. Not as strict about activity for this, but at least once every two weeks would be nice.


Senrhi Nyerhah was born and raised on the Sharlayan continent, but after reaching adulthood, set out to study magic in Eorzea and establish her independence from her family. She specializes in arcanima, but is also proficient in thaumaturgy, conjury, red magic, and blue magic. Currently 25 years old, she is happily married to Tetsu Kariya and lives in the Lavender Beds. The pair work as adventurers, sometimes together and sometimes seperately. Senrhi is on the Mateus server, but again world visiting is a thing!


~I would prefer to RP with characters that are the correctly gendered character model for their character's intended gender. I don't mind at all if they are trans, but if you are roleplaying a female model as a male character or vise versa that's cool and you do you but I would prefer not to get involved with them. It causes undue confusion for me personally and I am not a fan.~

No Lalafells or Hrothgar. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, please either reply to this thread or shoot me a private message! I try to be friendly, but I apologize for any offense my standards may cause.

Edited by Sarakitteh
Needed to clarify a phrase
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