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The Ring [Coeurl]

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The Ring

- October 7th, 8 PM EST- Plot 31, 7th Ward, Mist -
18+ Warning for Darker Themes, Drinking, etc.

The Ring.png


Calling all true warriors of Coeurl! Are you ready for a real challenge? A True fight? Then the Ring is for you.



The Ring is a Underground Fighting Ring, the only rule inside the arena is don't kill each other! Body disposal services not available.


  • We have a 1k Gil [Real Gil] entry fee to fight, all entry fees go into the winning pot to be given to the victor of each night.
  • Donations are also accepted, all donations will also go into the winners pot. Donators get access to the VIP seating to get a good view of who will win their money.
  • Betting is available for those observers who wish to make it a little more interesting [No real gil, Please observe the ToS of XIV]


This is also a masquerade event, to protect the identity of our Host, guests, fighters, and staff. We ask you please wear something to hide your face while inside the venue. This is only for your own safety and if you choose not to we will not be responsible for what may come because of it.


We are also looking for more Staff! 


To sign up for the event to fight or to become a member of our staff contact Zar'ine Moks/Zander Nox on discord or in game. 


Please read our full rule list, how the fighting system will work and more on our event site! https://theringxiv.carrd.co

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Sad to say but the ring will have to be canceled tonight. While I had a few people interested in being staff for the event. I never did have anyone sign up to fight in the event.


But fear not, we are not giving up on the event. Just going to cancel tonight and reconvene. Take a look at changes we can make to possibly increase interest. Most likely will take away the entry fee even though it was a nice idea to increase the winners pot. We will probably just pay the winners pot out of pocket and donations.

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