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Professional Alcoholic


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Sylvara stumbled just for a moment as she left the front entrance of Club Cobalt. She wrinkled her nose and shook her head to clear it.


"Bloody 'ells I'm out of practice." she grumbled to herself in that distinctly Shroud Keeper accent of hers and glared down at her stomach, "tha' be yer fault." she muttered accusingly at the pale smooth tummy that could be seen through a small slit in the front of her outfit.


She took an experimental step, then another, carefully measuring the amount of sway she had gained from the nine shots of Bourbon she drank very quickly. It wasn't long till she gained what appeared to the outside world to be a stable and normal gait through the residential district, but really it was a carefully honed sense of how to compensate for her drunkenness, tuned over many years of practice.


She didn't get far however before she had to stop; half way to the dock and awaiting ferry back to the mainland where she could find anonymity and a place to do what she needed to do.


"Aw hells. No' now." She growls at herself, fighting the urge as hard as she can. Despite still barely being into adulthood, the young Mint Miqo'te tried her best to be hard as stone, but more often than not failed entirely at it. And that moment happened to be one of them; finally the emotions she'd been hiding from all night exploded out of her and there was nothing she could do but collapse on the bridge into a pile of mournful sobs and tears.


It seemed like an eternity in her mind, but in reality only bare minutes passed before she finally recovered enough composure to take a deep breath and wipe off her face.


"Two years lass." She would mutter to herself, "Ye hid in yer head for two bleedin' years. You canna do tha' again. Get yer arse up, and keep marchin'" The words sounded good in theory, she even half believed them for a second, but ultimately the mixture of alcohol and the feeling of being so completely fooled claimed her motivation. She slid herself to the side of the bridge to lean her back against it for support before sliding on her black sunglasses and huffing in resignation.


"'ells with it. I'll march t'morrow." She muttered as she passed out.

Edited by Sylvara
Grammar and Spelling pass
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When she started awake again, she assumed a large amount of time had passed since her stall out on the bridge, but in reality it hand been maybe an hour or two. She would climb to her feet once again, making her traditional calculations, and finally find her step. This time she made it out to the ferry and managed to even pay the ferryman to take her back to Kugane proper.


Eorzea was so very far away and yet the events of the last night she spent there before her fleeing to Doma decided unbidden to invade her drunkenly depressed mind. It caused her to scowl angrily at a random passerby as she climbed out of the ferry, eliciting a reaction at the perceived rudeness. If Sylvara noticed, she didn't give an outward reaction to it and simply started her way down the dock, stumbling once or twice as she adjusted to land again.


The first thing she sought was a departure from the busy streets of Kugane at night; a city that truly never seems to sleep. Once she slipped down close to the water, wandering the very canals that the unfortunates of Kugane did, she pulled a small vial of a black liquid from one of her pants pockets and held it in her hand with an expression of regret crossing her features.


"Sorry lass." she muttered to herself before uncapping the vial and downing it's contents, "Maybe next time."

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At first it seemed like all was normal and she wrinkled her nose slightly, "Well tha-" Mid sentence before the words made it inches from her lips a sharp pain would stab through her gut and into her lower abdomen like a spear running her through. She immediately collapsed under the unwelcome sensation, curling into a ball instinctively around the source of her pain. She knew that couldn't be it, and she was proven right only a moment later.


Roiling black waves of void magic would form in the air around her and another jolt of pain would explode through her. This time she'd scream in agony as the pain stayed with her this time. She clutched her lower stomach as tears started to stream down her face; he had warned her about this about all the side effects, but her choices had seemed limited at the time. Still a little pain was worth erasing every trace of her ex from her.


As the second jolt would finally fade, she managed to get herself together enough to crawl away from the canal's edge and to the stone wall. She then propped herself up against it before the third and final shock of pain would knock the wind out of her and make her vision fill with stars and grow very very dim. She didn't know if it was a few seconds or a few minutes that she sat there, frozen in an agony she never thought possible.. but when it finally faded she gasped in relief.


She shook her head to clear it and put her hand down to push herself up, but the ground was too slick to find purchase, She looked down at it and frowned a little weakily to herself, that's a lot of blood. she thought to herself.. Lightheaded and weak though, she didn't consider the fact that it came from her and slowly she rose to her feet once again. Along the wall she would limp, her hand leaving bloody prints as she used it for support. As she went she popped a potion vial, this one your more normal variety and chugged its contents back.


"...maybe next time." she murmured to herself as the tears started to fall freely again.





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Sunlight already? was her first thought when she started to regain consciousness. Then the last memories she had came flooding back into her mind. The void-based potion, the resulting pain, all through the haze of drunkeness, and beyond that nothing. Then she realized she was hearing a strange distant buzzing noise. It sounded somewhat like a bee in a unstable flight. But it started to grow louder until words began to form out of it, then the voice came into focus as she flattened her ears against her head.


"...under a chirogeons supervision. In a safe place. Not a canal in Kugane." Misaki intoned with the same cold and dispassionate voice she always seemed to have. But Sylvara knew by the explanation she was already receiving, the young Raen had been worried. Or at least her approximation of the feeling.


"E-Easy lass.. I'm fine. Bloody 'ells where am I?" She asked as she tried to lift her head, but her muscles practically laughed in her face with shooting pain unlike anything she'd felt even in battle.


"You're back home in Gridania. You are very lucky the Samurai happened upon you when they did and knew to contact me when they got you to an infirmry. You've been unconscious for almost a week. Sylvara, you nearly died. You lost so much blood, they didn't think you'd wake up again." The Raen still sounded like she was trying to explain basic concepts to a small child that refused to understand.


"Oh." She swollowed hard realizing her mistake, "Y-Yer right lass.. I wasn't thinkin'"


"As usual. Anyroad, once your able to walk your free to leave. They said you should recover fully, however they're unsure about side effects. You know, the ones I warned you about. They don't know if you'll ever be ab-" Misaki stopped mid sentence as the Mint Miqo lifted her hand to cut her off.


"Nope. Too soon. Next subject." She grimaced in what appeared to be real physical pain at the mere though.


"Yes. Of course Lady Starstalker, my apologies." The Raen spoke more softly now, realizing her lack of empathy failed her again.


"Lass, for the last time. I ain't no Lady." She grumbles, "Now, where's my clothes.. Wait, did you undress me?"


"No, the infirmary staff did." She responded flatly, glaring at Sylv for the insinuation, "Very well, let me go find them."



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