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Beginner RP-er: Use my main or create an alt?

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Hi everyone. I am super new to this so I apologize if I commit a faux paus or something but I have some questions.


First, as the title says is it ok use my main character that I have spent a lot of time and money on or should I make an alt for RP purposes.


I love my main, but don't RP with her and have a lot of friends and a good FC with her and I don't want to lose that, but I also don't want to have to replay through the story again (or buy a skip). 


So would I be able to casually RP with my character then "turn-off" the RP and play normally or would that go against some rule with an RP group?


I'm sorry if this sounds ridiculous. I am probably overthinking.

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Hey there, and welcome! You can absolutely use your main character for role-play if you wish. The point is to have fun, and if you're forcing yourself to create and level up a new character when you don't feel like it, you probably won't enjoy yourself very much.


Most people simply change their in game status to "Role-playing" (by typing /roleplaying or through "Edit Search Info" in the Party Members menu) when they are actively engaging in role-play, and switch it back to Online (or whatever else suits you) when they return to regular game content.


Hope this helps!

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Hello there, welcome, Stallion! :D There's nothing wrong with having your main as your RP character. That's what most people do and what I would recommend. It does come with certain drawbacks sometimes, like if you gave your main a name or appearance you feel you wouldn't want to use for RP, or if your main is in a non-RP FC and you think you'd like to join an RP FC, but that's all for you to work out and decide what's best for you. 

For what it's worth, almost no one is IC all the time. A good portion of the time, we are just playing the game normally, doing content or hanging with friends OOC or AFKing. Just because you RP does not mean your character is IC 100% of the time. Most people just throw their RP tag on if they are IC, if not actively making IC emotes.

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