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New-Not so new Roleplayer looking for a lifeline!


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Hello friends! 😁

This is my first post in RPC and I could not be more excited to be starting a new journey, in a new game with new friends! 🎊

My name is Holly and the woman I've created in FFXIV is Z'mira Jaab (Balmung)

A little about me: 

I have been an active role player since the dial up AOL days. I'm very casual these days and I've honestly lost the *spark* that I once had to weave intricate tales of woe and victory for the women I've played over the years. I hosted one of the original Final Fantasy Mix RPs on AOL and It was what started my love for roleplay. After that, My first MMO was FFXI. That embedded a love for MMOs with my deep seeded attraction to final fantasy since as long as I can remember. At some point, I'm pretty sure through an Ex, I found myself on WoW. There I wore many hats. I ran a leveling guild on Maelstrom for a year or two (One of the largest back in like 2009) and I also inherited and RP/PVP guild (Malestrom/Wyrmrest Accord/Moonguard, we were on all three at one point or another). I settled in and roleplayed on wow for the last ten or so years. The lore was rich, the community was ever bustling and when it fell short the PVP kept me hooked. When PVP fell off for me, I'd return to roleplay once more with a refreshed outlook. It was a cycle and one that I grew comfortable with. With the things that came to light about Blizzard/Activitision in the last month or so, I've decided to move myself back to my first love and start the undertaking of finding my place in the world that FFXIV encompasses. I stand on the precipice  of greatness and honestly... it's a little overwhelming. Linkshells... FCs... lack of addons.. I don't know where to start. I have a character concept and a dream. 

That concept is of Miss Z'mira Jaab (or just Mira for those close to her.) The things I know about Mira are very limited. She's a triple triad guru (I spent hundreds of hours on it in FFVIII, finding it here just made me want to find my calling even more lol). I'm toying with divination (I swapped from black mage to Astro as soon as I could. I'm in love.) and card readings ICly. My characters are usually hair stylists so I suspect she will probably follow suit. (It's a great roleplay point and a good bonding experience for friends!) She is a young adult M'iquote. These are all the things I know about her until I find some friends to inspire me to flesh out more of her backstory and goals in life! 

I want to find an active FC/LS. I'm pretty open, especially if the community is chill, to what it can be focused on for the group. Crime, vendoring, entertainment. I'm entirely open. The thing that is important for me is the community. I'm seeking a community that is open and welcoming with a sense of humor that might upset a Karen/Kevin. Dark themes/humor is a-okay with me as well. The most important part is that it is a group of people that aren't too judgemental and can communicate like adults. While ERP isn't really a draw for me, I want to be in an adult only community. The filter on my mouth is spotty some days and my jokes can certainly be a little hard hitting and dark. I'm looking for friendships that can transcend the roleplay and to be a welcomed and active part of a community.

If you feel this describes you or your FC/LS, please reach out! I will be waiting! Thank you for taking the time to read all this and I cannot wait to meet you! 

Discord : xTripleTriadx#0513


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