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New player, rusty at roleplaying


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Hello. I haven't played an mmo in years but I used to and enjoyed role-playing, and heard good things about this game and community.


I made a highlander on Mateus because I like to play as monstrous races or big savage looking humans 😛 Just getting a hang of game play so far, haven't RP'd in a long time so I'll probably ease into it. Also I enjoy playing evil characters and that can be tricky to RP without being THAT person in my experience.


Besides the hello, I was curious if there is an easy way for newer characters to travel between the three starting cities? I'm still learning the crystal network but assumed to use it to go to another city I'd have to touch the other crystal first.


Anyway, looking forward to exploring this new world.

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Hello there, Volbrecht, welcome! :D You will unlock teleportation to the other cities as you reach them in the MSQ, around level 15 or so. Just makes sure you touch the big, main crystal in each city to attune to it. Once you attune to a city's main aetheryte, you can teleport there anytime via your teleportation menu for a small gil fee.

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19 hours ago, Faye said:

Hello there, Volbrecht, welcome! :D You will unlock teleportation to the other cities as you reach them in the MSQ, around level 15 or so. Just makes sure you touch the big, main crystal in each city to attune to it. Once you attune to a city's main aetheryte, you can teleport there anytime via your teleportation menu for a small gil fee.

Thank you :) 

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