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Wanting to journal

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this so, mods feel free to move this please if it's not, thank you kindly. ^^


Now, I have a problem. I've seen alot of people with character journals. I've had an idea about how to start mine but at the same time I really don't know. I was thinking that maybe I should wait until open beta when Arcanists come out or just start with what goes on during closed beta first.


I'm not even sure if this makes sense but, what do you guys think I should do? All suggestions would be very helpful. And when I do start a journal, which site do you think I should use? I see people using wordpress, some people just use the forums, others use tumblr, and I just don't know. I know I'm probably gonna try to take lots of pictures in-game maybe sooo, yeah.


Can you guys help me?

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Can you guys help me?


I would say wait until open beta, because a lot of people aren't taking closed beta as canon and it might irk people to be put into someone they haven't met's journal.


As for a site, I was planning on using wordpress for mine if I ever get it started. It's easily accessible and fairly user friendly.

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Hmm, that's a good points. Thankies Uther! ^^ I can understand how that would make someone angry.


No problem! Good luck on your journal. I hope to read it soon. :thumbsup:

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