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Echo knights (Under New Management)

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In life you need to give to take, You need to think be for you act, You need to for give be for you can for get. As a Echo Knight you may have some reason of why you are who you are. For this I will take you for who you are or what you have done, but know this the three things i said above comes with truth and if you cant do this then you can never under stand what is honor. The Echo knights live by a honor code and respect code with out this it would lead use to madness with madness it will lead to Chaos and death. If you can live by this code then stand with use my friends. If you cant then let this be warning to all that read this message! Echo Knights may look foolish, may act Foolish, and we may dang right be crazy for doing the things we do.....  but we will fight to the end to get are job done. We will help save the life of any one who needs it. If you stand in are way then be ready to face the wraith that comes with your decision.




How to get into the Echo Knights

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Care to have a newbie hang around you guys?


I'm new to roleplaying but I really would like to do it this time around. I'm going to spend today filling out that 100 question form I saw to design a character. I didn't really feel like jumping into a massive heavy RP linkshell yet and this one seems most ideal :).

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Care to have a newbie hang around you guys?


I'm new to roleplaying but I really would like to do it this time around. I'm going to spend today filling out that 100 question form I saw to design a character. I didn't really feel like jumping into a massive heavy RP linkshell yet and this one seems most ideal :).

Dont mind at all! Just seend to me in a message what your characters name will be and come phase 4/ launch you will get  invite.

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Echo Knights are proud to say that we set up some events for the linkshells.



Trading Staturday, Ul'Dah market place

This where all the Echo Knight meet twice a week to trade their goods from crafting mates to gear. start at 5pm est to 7pm est.

this event happens every 2 weeks.


Happy Hour!

Echo Knights Happy hour, Eastern Gridania 

This is where all the Echo Knights go to drink and talk! Happy hour was paid by the leaders for every other Sunday so the Knights can relax from their harsh weeks. Starts at 9pm est to 10pm est. 



these events dont start till the second week of launch.

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I wanted share this with the Echo Knights or any one who is thinking of joining use. I came up with this while I was thinking about life and If you know my story then you will under stand.


In life you need to give to take, You need to think be for you act, You need to for give be for you can move on. AS a Echo Knight you may have some reason of why you are and who your are. For this I will take you for who you are or what you have done, but know this though three things i said above comes with truth and if you cant do this then you can never under stand what is honor. The Echo knights live by a honor code and respect code with out this it would lead use to madness, with madness it will lead to Chaos and death. If you can live by this code then stand with use my friends and if you cant, then let this be warning to all that read this message. Echo Knights may look foolish, may act Foolish, and we may dang right be crazy for doing the things we do..... We will fight to the end to get are job done and to help/ slave the life of any one who needs it. If you stand in are way then be ready to face the wraith that comes with your choice.

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hello and goodday goodday to you madem  my name cross and i love to join your knights thou i am new i am a fast learner i look forward of serveing in the near future well untill then may your sword stay sharpened



Cross sea belmont

 Welcome! Thank first of  all for taking the time to read are page! WE will love for you to join are ranks and i sent you a message with some info. *Salutes* Welcome again to the Echo Knights!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have three new Echo Knights news updates!


1. I'm unable to get in to the the Gilgamesh sever, but Shep is in it. please contact Shep for your invite. 


2. I will not be joining Dark Ultima as my free company but rather making Echo Knights in to a free company.


3. I still plan on making Echo Knights home in Gilgamesh. If you are like me and waiting to get in to sever then we are waiting for you. If you are in the sever then please contact Shep and she will add you to the linkshell till we make the Free company.

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Hi guys!

I am currently playing a miqo'te archer on the Gilgamesh server, and would love to join the Echo Knights! My character's personality is perky, and unique and I believe would add a different kind of flavor to the group hehe ;). Please let me join! My character's name is Nyla Starsong (thinking about going bard later :D) Thanks!

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Hi guys!

I am currently playing a miqo'te archer on the Gilgamesh server, and would love to join the Echo Knights! My character's personality is perky, and unique and I believe would add a different kind of flavor to the group hehe ;). Please let me join! My character's name is Nyla Starsong (thinking about going bard later :D) Thanks!

Welcome Nyla, we would be glad to have you and your song's! With all the errors people are having it's become difficult to get everyone together so please don't be discouraged if your invite comes slow. Send me a message when you're online and I'll get you all signed up. :tonberry: -Shep Ciaran

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Hi guys!

I am currently playing a miqo'te archer on the Gilgamesh server, and would love to join the Echo Knights! My character's personality is perky, and unique and I believe would add a different kind of flavor to the group hehe ;). Please let me join! My character's name is Nyla Starsong (thinking about going bard later :D) Thanks!

As Shep got to you first let me say Welcome to the Echo Knights! Sorry i'm late i was moving to a different state.

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I will be in early accesses so if all the Echo Knights that where unable to join the link shell can report to me around 12 pm on the 24 by mail or tell. Thank you *salutes*


*edit* If you all would please mail your name and i will add you as soon as I can.

Oh right I for got we are making Echo Knights in to Free company! So i hope on that once I enter the world!

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Echo Knights Ranking (lowest to highest)

You can jump ranks for doing out standing duty's for you fellow Knights.

All Echo Knights are given a point system. These points are only known to the  Brigadier Generals and Generals. All points will be added at the end of the month and only 10 of your points carry over for the next month. Only the the Brigadier General  have jobs for the guild. This does not mean the other ranks will not be given jobs.



Private (PVT): You will all way start as a private when you join the Echo Knights.



Corporal (CPL): Is given to Echo Knights after they have in listed for a month. You will not go up in rank after this point if you don't make your points.



Sergeant (Sgt) (20 points): Given to Knights that have have reached 20 points.



Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) (60 points): This Rank is given to Sergeants Knight who made 60 points.  



Lieutenant (LT) (80 points): This rank is given to CWO that have made 80 points.



Major (MJ) (100 points and last rank): This rank is given to Lieutenants after they have reached 100 points.



Colonel (COL) (110 points and last rank): Rank given to Majors after reaching 110 points.



Brigadier General : This rank is for the 9 that where picked by Shep and Vashies. This rank will not be given out unless one of the Lieutenant General steps down from there title or is removed of there command.


General: This rank is for Shep and Vashies only.


How do you get points

If a person or persons help you in any way mail General Shep or Vashies with there name, and what they did.




All ranks will be given jobs to earn extra points.Generals will mail people for the jobs.Each job has points and the more dangers the job the more points.You may do it alone if that is what the Generals ask or may have a party that will come with you. Jobs may have time period. Jobs will never ask for Gil but you be paid for doing the job.



About The Echo Knights Brigadier Generals

There are going be 9 Brigadier Generals to the Echo Knights. With duty's that they will be briefed on by mail.  There will be Officer for each job so there will be Paladin,Warrior,Dragoon, Monk, Bard, White Mage, Black Mage, Summoner, and a Scholar Brigadier General.

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This sounds great. I'm totally new to the whole RP side of the game but really want to give it a go and your whole group and idea behind it looks like fun.


So if you're happy to have a newbie to help and teach then I would love to join you :)


Playing a Highlander Pugilist

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This sounds great. I'm totally new to the whole RP side of the game but really want to give it a go and your whole group and idea behind it looks like fun.


So if you're happy to have a newbie to help and teach then I would love to join you :)


Playing a Highlander Pugilist



Just send Vashies a pm if you want to join! He always checks those for sure!

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This sounds great. I'm totally new to the whole RP side of the game but really want to give it a go and your whole group and idea behind it looks like fun.


So if you're happy to have a newbie to help and teach then I would love to join you :)


Playing a Highlander Pugilist



Just send Vashies a pm if you want to join! He always checks those for sure!

Thanks Rock, since I first bumped into you in game you've been a great help :)

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