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Do you consider them IC, or do you disregard them as being a purely OOC novelty item? If you were someone who fought at the battle of Carteneau, how would you react to seeing someone walking around with a wind-up Dalamud, or a mini Bahamut?


I think I recall there being mention of some kind of lore explanation for minions that we'd see later on, but barring that happening what are your guys thoughts?



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I will definitely be using my minions ICly (as long as they pertain to the character). My Seeker pugilist uses her cherry bomb as a light at night to keep her awake in place of the sun or for looking in dark areas (so it's a nightlight). My conjurer works as a messenger and uses her mammet to carry smaller objects.

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I could see some Minions being used IC, like raising a Chocobo Hatchling, or as you mentioned the Mammot as we see them being used in game by Goldsmiths. I'm more thinking about things like the little floating hand, or... I don't know, even the Cherry Bomb seems a bit hard to explain in character, I mean how do you explain having a Bomb that follows you around? Like I mentioned in the OP, the Wind-Up Dalamud from the OST seems like the hardest to explain, it would be like if someone started selling toys to commemorate a great tragedy where the world almost ended and hundreds of people perished, including some of the worlds greatest heroes.

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I remember it being said somewhere by Yoshida that Minions were supposed to be some kind of magical toy, and we were supposed to meet the person who makes them at some point in the game. Kinda makes me wonder how that will change things, especially since they don't really seem like toys... accept for the ones that are.

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I am a bit half-and-half on minions on recognizing them as IC and OOC. I think I would lightly acknowledge them ICly more than anything. They probably don't fit my concept of my character much (having a butler/maid) but I can see where other concepts can make them work.


As for pets...I generally agree with the thread like FreelanceWizard points out. I sorta ignore them because they can get to be "too much" at times. OOCly, they are fun and I'd collect them, but ICly for my main...maybe...probably not. Maybe for an alt and even then, just a standard one, not the "Phantasm-induced-Meteor-Wind-up-Apocalypse" toy.



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