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Corvus Barbeque, Bazaar, and Benefit (planning)

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I think Kylin was planning his for Open Beta...but I could be wrong...


I was gonna hold mine a week or two after release, but I'll work around the Gala as well.


Good to know. Bit of a tricky dealing, I can imagine. x-x;


Anyways, if more cooks are needed, can always have Lren finds his way there!

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Depending on when this is I'd like to come with my other character I'll have on Balmung, I'm thinking they'll be a cook so maybe I can bring some goodies! We'll see anyways, but good luck with all of this.


Ohoh - idea - perhaps you could raffle something off? One item in particular or something, the pinnacle of the evening sort of thing and one (or a few) person(s) go home extremely happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking forward to this! Adriel and Brom even have a piece they are willing to perform - just one, mind you. >.> But I can probably provide some food... if I haven't stuffed it all into the Wildsky Bank that is! Adriel's specialty is fishing, though I'm not sure how that plays out ICly. Can you imagine Adriel sitting around with a fishing pole and a straw hat?! Anyway, yeah, we'll be there!

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