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hello eveyone new here

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let me enterduce myself name is Cross i never have role play before ive played few mmos like GW2 and DCOU but as much fun as were just felt dull to me after i hit max lvl and with ARR coming out i wanted to play this in a different way so here i am i seen this site on a youtube video and i thought hey why not so its good to be i hope eveyones having a goodday or a goodnight ok hope get play with you guys an girls show me how pros role play cus honestly have no clue well ill shut up now lol thinks

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Well, Cross...there's always a first time for everything :D! I think we need to thank that Youtube video...you're the second person to mention it today.


There are many people here who would be happy to help you out, and there is actually a formal Mentoring program, where another, more experienced player, will help you develop your role play skills. Don't get THAT anywhere else :D


Thanks for introducing yourself, hope you'll enjoy your experience here :thumbsup:

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