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Merry Meet!


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Good day everyone!


My name is Aerion and I am just a kitten scratching at my post, sharping my claws while I dream about taking on the world of Eorzea


I have never RP'd before yet have always wanted to, therefore I'm taking the leap and jumping in, I know I'll land on all fours. From what I've seen this looks to be an amazing community and I can't wait to join you all and learn.


Hopefully I don't get too embarrassed to let go and RP well. Only time will tell and I'm sure practice makes perfect.  I'll be like the sponge and soak up any and all the help I can get too!




Basic Character stats:

  • Male Miqo'te
  • Keeper of the Moon devoted to Goddess Menphina
  • Paladin

Basic RL stats:

  • Male
  • 31yrs old
  • Married with 3 boys
  • Graphic designer/Marketing coordinator

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Welcome Aerion :)!


Keep an eye out for events during the next beta phase, just to see if there will be an opportunity to get your rp feet wet before actual release. Of course, that assumes you are able to play the beta :blush:


If not, good things come to those who wait...longer :thumbsup:

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Thank you, i'll definitely be in the next beta.  I had access to beta 3 but only played for about 30min total. I didn't want to invest much time in it, just make sure it worked well on the PS3 and what not.


I'll definitely hit up one of the linkshells too, which one... no clue... lol.

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There are many to choose from, and the community is really helpful.  A lot of folks (myself included) will probably be a part of several linkshell communities as a lot of them like swapping info and ideas, along with RP opportunities.  We've still got a little time before launch, let us know if you have any questions, and hope to see you soon!

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Welcome to the Community!


*offers a ball of string, catnip and a squeaky mouse*



..... and pie.

Must have pie. :D



Meanwhile- make yourself at home and don't worry about embarrassing yourself in RP. Lord knows we've ALL done that before- trick is to play it off if you can, and if you can't... well just say ((ignore that)) and move on. hahaa

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Welcome to the Community!


*offers a ball of string, catnip and a squeaky mouse*



..... and pie.

Must have pie. :D



Meanwhile- make yourself at home and don't worry about embarrassing yourself in RP. Lord knows we've ALL done that before- trick is to play it off if you can, and if you can't... well just say ((ignore that)) and move on. hahaa


*Pounces on the ball, unrolling it, chasing it all over the room.....


wait... what... ah, thanks for the warm welcome Kyatai


*smells a pie... "Oh pie".. nom nom nom...

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