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First character ever! How is it?


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Just gone done with the start of my first ever character bio! Outside of little bits in GW2, I'm completely new to RP and am a bit nervous about getting my character right. I really want to get involved in the community and have some fun, but I've got a bit of a learning curve to get over first I think!


Anyway, here is her page on the wiki! I'd love some criticisms and suggestions on what sections to add. Hoping to have it a lot more detailed before launch! ^.^


Thanks :)

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Howdy, Malfice!

I personally love it to see a cheerful RP character! It brings smiles to your day and that is always good!

Of course she by being a Lalafell girl is a bubbly bonus that is hard to resist, no?


I think it will be fun to see the petite Hatiti being energetic as her usual self, happy-go-lucky too, but being drunk will start to throw insults in all direction :D

let's hope it doesn't land on one of the big, Roegadyn meanie over there, see?

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First she is an adorable character, secondly even though it is brief I think that is what brings for the mystique around her. After all your history, your story will be told through the interactions you have among the denizens of Eorzea. I for one can not wait to bump into her and have a one on one conversation. She really appears to be charming and different.

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Thanks guys! ^.^


I made her fun and energetic because its most like myself, and I figured that what I'd be most comfortable playing as, and the most fun too! Still thinking about more to add, but I suppose that'll come to me when I can get into the game and finally play with her. ^^

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Hey Malfice!


You hit the nail on the head. I think if you get the basics down of HOW you want to play her, WHO she will be and WHAT she will become will grow as you let her loose in the realm of Eorzea. I myself am still think through my character, trying to build his characteristics and behaviors while trying to stamp him into history somewhere.


If you are trying to buid her details up, and try and write nay history for her, why not try and think why she is the way she is. Think about her upbringing, her childhood, her surroundings. Is there a reason for her being louder in groups?


I'm sure you'll spend many hours trying to sleep but thinking "what about... what if..." instead. I've had many nights where I feel I want to jumo out of bed and get straight onto the wiki and write something up. :3

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Very adorable character! The wiki isn't bad as well and a great start. Dont' feel as if you have to fill the page up now or come up with everything in a single day.


As youngwoon suggested, try thinking back and create a bit of a past history to explain why she is who she is, or perhaps why she has a certain set of goals in mind. Just remember to have fun though!

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Yeah Im going to spend some time over the next few days learning a bit more about the lore and locations of the setting and hopefully be able to come up with more of a back story for her! Never really been confident with my writing, although I do enjoy it, so it'll probably go through a thousand changes before I change the wiki page. ^.^

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wow we are both in europe but too bad i'm going on balmung :( but now i guess i have a plan B 8-)


I thought about rolling on Balmung, but I was told I can't unless I played 1.0 or something? Plus, maybe a fresh server will be better.

hmmm really? well if that's the case then plan B it is but i'm pretty sure that's not the case :D since i went to a legacy server once during beta test 3 but anyways nice character but if you change you're mind just pm me :)

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wow we are both in europe but too bad i'm going on balmung :( but now i guess i have a plan B 8-)


I thought about rolling on Balmung, but I was told I can't unless I played 1.0 or something? Plus, maybe a fresh server will be better.

hmmm really? well if that's the case then plan B it is but i'm pretty sure that's not the case :D since i went to a legacy server once during beta test 3 but anyways nice character but if you change you're mind just pm me :)


It probably isn't the case, probably just my friend being wrong! I only became interested in the game last week (Lucky me, I think the wait would have killed me had it been much longer!), so Im not exactly the most reliable source of info ^.^ If I can, I might actually go to Balmung.

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