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Oh erm... well hello there. I'm Evey and I'm a RPG gamer for sure. Started playing videogames when I was a wee little lass. Started out with an original Nintendo, then Sega, and years later my very first playstation. Squaresoft games were my very first interaction with RPGs ( Parasite eve being my first, and then FF7) and then after my introduction to FF games, I started to collect, play and beat them all. this is going to be my first Final Fantasy MMO. I didn't play 11 but I heard lots of good things about it, and wished I'd jumped onto that band wagon years ago. I've been around in different MMO communities for a little over six or seven years now, and I've played quite a few.  I'm pretty excited to be jumping into 14.


Aside from that I am a concept artist/illustrator, college student, and hardcore roleplayer/writer, gamer. I enjoy Stories of all kinds- fantasy, scifi, mythology, and I love history. And Unicorns. I like unicorns- and kirins. And cheese. I love cheese.


:moogle: Hi.



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Ahhh~! Evey! :D You made it. Glad to see you here. Hope you enjoy your time. *snugs* There are pretty chill people here in the community, and I can't wait to see more of your FFXIV art.


>> Also- mounts of relevance. JP20130810_1.jpg

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You're welcome. ^^


The mounts were announced the other morning, so its a bit new. If you want to see more of the new stuff there is a post here; http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=3389 that has a lot of info concerning that. As for the site itself there are a number of stickied things around the site that should help. :)

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Aww thank you~ And yes I dooo. I have a whole DA of other stuff too.. I haven't done much FF14 stuff yet but I look forward to doing more stuff in the future. 


Also: AMG Welcome video! Neat! I've been lurking a little bit but today I figured I'd say hello and stuff. Just kinda poking my nose around. I have quite a few friends who are coming to 14 and I have been curious about it ever since they fixed everything since the first time they released it, and also... that Bahamut video months back really had me salivating.


Also... Cooking. Amg. I love cooking. :love:

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First of all I love Parasite Eve so *high fives* and second of all your art is excellent (went to your DA out of curiosity). The Unicorn mounts are given as part of the Conjurer quest chain later on and anyone who has seen a certain horror movie (spoilers and all) knows that they are majestic and deadly beasts. Anyway, as one newb to another, enjoy your stay, these are some great peeps.

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