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Highlander Family Names?


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I was wondering if anyone knows anything about Highlander family names outside of the little tidbit we got from the lore sticky on the official forums.


"As the Highlanders are a warring race, their last names tend to sound more...violent, as they will often adopt the colorful nicknames they have earned during battle."


The bolded bit made me wonder if they don't really have family names as we know them. I know that they're based off Germanic and Normadic roots, but do they inherit a last name from their parents or do they establish their own last name? Names like Erikson (Son of Erik) or, as the quote says, titles earned in battle? Or not necessarily even battle. Just things they're known for?


Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had seen anything in the game itself or knew something that could shed some light on this topic!

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By the wording of that sentence, I will say it depends. Probably people keep the name of their parents until they do something that makes other people call them on a specific way because of it ("Hrotgar Anklebreaker is my name! Because I broke lots of garlean ankles during my youth") or they start calling theirselves that way until it sticks.

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Considering they take on "colorful nicknames" would lead me to believe they either don't have surnames in the traditional sense, or that said surnames are of little importance in comparison to one's deeds.


Like your example, Erikson. One would think a Highlanders chosen nickname would be what they would be referred to more than their first name. As it is their reputation. So having Erikson on the end would likely bring little honor or glory to the individual, as his father, Erik, would have been likely more known by his title name.



However, this doesn't necessarily mean it's a rule. The most important NPC Highlander is Raubahn Aldynn. And so, unless there's some old lore that mentions his surname of Aldynn, it doesn't really seem like a title, or a family name, or whichever.


So I'd say it's still pretty open in terms of interpretation.

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Interesting! Thanks guys! My main reason for making this thread is to sort of toy with my characters' last names. Eve Nightingale and Anselm Greyrider. Nightingale is definitely a stretch when it comes to last names, but I had always intended for her to have given it to herself. I was just curious as to whether or not that was a common occurrence in Highlander society or not.


By the wording of that sentence, I will say it depends. Probably people keep the name of their parents until they do something that makes other people call them on a specific way because of it ("Hrotgar Anklebreaker is my name! Because I broke lots of garlean ankles during my youth") or they start calling theirselves that way until it sticks.


That does make sense. It's sort of what I was thinking. Either a last name or Erikson/Erikdottir or whatever, then if they earn their own name then so be it!




Considering they take on "colorful nicknames" would lead me to believe they either don't have surnames in the traditional sense, or that said surnames are of little importance in comparison to one's deeds.


Like your example, Erikson. One would think a Highlanders chosen nickname would be what they would be referred to more than their first name. As it is their reputation. So having Erikson on the end would likely bring little honor or glory to the individual, as his father, Erik, would have been likely more known by his title name.



However, this doesn't necessarily mean it's a rule. The most important NPC Highlander is Raubahn Aldynn. And so, unless there's some old lore that mentions his surname of Aldynn, it doesn't really seem like a title, or a family name, or whichever.


So I'd say it's still pretty open in terms of interpretation.


Ah! That's what I was looking for. NPC examples. I've not played in any of the previous betas and was wondering what the Highlanders in the game go by. Aldynn is very much a traditional sounding surname in the way we're used to hearing them, so that's interesting.


Think German family names, since their first names are heavily German inspired. My closed beta 3 character's name was Heinrich Foust. Even the flame commander's first name is Germanic. Raubahn is actually an altered version of the name Ruben, which means "Raven."


That's an interesting take. I knew that their first names were very Germanic sounding, but the examples given to us on the official naming conventions sticky didn't have last names that sounded particularly German. Again, I've not been in the game itself yet so that was just my interpretation but your Ruben -> Raubahn sounds legit!

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