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MMORPG background

Ultima Online, Everquest, Everquest 2, FFXI, FFXIV 1.0, Tera, Rift, GW2, Star Wars Galaxies, SWTOR, many more.  Mostly EQ1/2 and FFXI


RP experience

Pen and Paper: DnD, ADnD (greyhawk, forgotten realms), Rolemaster, Shadowrun, Star Wars



Character ideas/info

Atrien is the current head of the Estriel family.  Thanks to his mother's obsession with the family dwindling, he pesters his sisters about marriage and obsesses about increasing the family power base through his own actions.  He places accumulation of wealth, renown, and political power through his own actions ahead of producing his own heir/replacement.  He knows he's being hypocritical with his sisters, he just frets.  See's adventuring as a means to an end while doing something good.


How did you learn about the coalition?

Da Interwebs


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

All of the above?


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Computer nerd, writer (fiction), and major bookworm.

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Welcome to the club!


Your character's story seems to have a few things in common with both Eve's and Anselm's. Maybe we can do an IC group therapy session or something, bahah!


Also, woot! Gotta show love for the GW2 crowd! \o/


Glad you're with us and I'll see you around I'm sure. :)

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I confess, my character's back-story is unduly influenced by a recent re-read of the Liaden series by Steve Miller and Sharon Lee.  The family/clan oriented mindset sounded fun.



Atrien and any secondary characters (the sisters) will be Midlander for now.   I will definitely be posting back story and other tidbits on lodestone, especially as in-game experience fleshes out what fits within the lore.  I'm wary of trapping myself.


I'm working on Atrien's cataclysm scenes now, but I'm still unsure what others remember about individuals that participated in the battle and skipped five years.  I'll probably hold off until I have a better grip on how this time-skip/amnesia thing works.

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