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NA server not up

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Well, after something like 15 tries and two times creating/customizing my character...


nope. Lobby connection. 


It's a bit ridiculous that it closes the client completely on that instead of just giving a 'retry' prompt or a 'retry in 30 seconds' countdown.

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Well, after something like 15 tries and two times creating/customizing my character...


nope. Lobby connection. 


It's a bit ridiculous that it closes the client completely on that instead of just giving a 'retry' prompt or a 'retry in 30 seconds' countdown.


Same here, I believe this is my fourth or fifth attempt to create my character now only for the server to be all "lol no".


Tried Virgil's fix too.

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I managed to get one character through, but I'm loathe to attempt the others. I didn't bother to count the number of times I had to try it.


You'd think after all of the launch/pre-launch mayhem of all the MMOs I've been a part of, I'd be more tolerant of these hiccups.

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Virgil's fix worked for me to see the NA/EU server list but with one slight alteration. It says:


Script error:


/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Beta Version)/FFXIV_BOOT.cfg in your user folder.


Change EulaAgreement to 1 and relaunch.


But we're not on a beta version of the game, although this is beta 4, as it will continue into early access and release. So use this folder instead.


Script error:


/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/FFXIV_BOOT.cfg in your user folder.


Change EulaAgreement to 1 and relaunch.

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Okay so I finally registered my character to the Balmung server, the best part? When it came up as successful my character jumped for joy just as I was all "YES!". The feels.


Now it's just a case of getting the error when I try to log in with my character...

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Just got kicked.  Says "world data cannot be obtained."  Maybe they imposed that 5 hour play limit?  Guess I should go get some sleep.

Doesn't appear to be a limit, friends of mine just got kicked as well with the same error. I think it's just a huge amount of people trying to log onto small servers.

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