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Inja's (mostly) Scenic Screenshots


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I have no artistic talent when it comes to drawing things but the inner perfectionist for art refused to give up, so I turned to "photography" as a means of remembering the places and people I've seen. It isn't nearly as personal as hand drawing a person in a pose that simply cannot be done within the game, but it's the closest I'll ever be able to come.


Also, for the sake of not pissing SquareEnix off, I added the copyright stuff so I (hopefully) don't get calls from company lawyers for trying to steal work that clearly isn't mine and altering it with Photoshop filters. There's probably a rule against that in the TOS/EULA somewhere, but my brain always dies at about the first paragraph of legalese.


Now, without further ado... Pictures! Not that I know how to link the actual pictures without breaking the forums from how big they are.















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I appreciate you taking the time to share your screenshots, especially since I didn't get around to exploring anywhere outside of the Gridania region during the open beta! I just love how varied and fluid the landscapes, buildings, NPC's and the like are in this game. I think I'll make it a point to see if I can hunt down the various places depicted in many of the environment screenshots once I begin my character's journey out into the wider game world.

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The dungeon pictures so far come from the Dungeon Crawl videos on YouTube made by SquareEnix. PUGs are notorious for not listening when somebody wants to stop every few minutes, even if only for a couple of seconds, and nothing ruins a screenshot quite like combat and spell effects flying around. Come release, though, there will be more pictures of people and places. Perhaps I'll get a ninja screenshot of you too :P

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