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Think we'll ever see Blue Mage/Summoner?

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I figured i'd have this discussion on a sane forum, one not foaming at the mouth usually heh. So, think they'll ever implement those two classes? I personally would LOVE to see a blue mage class implemented where you had to to actively go observe enemies in combat to copy their spells, or even get into battles with them. I think it'd be difficult but fun over all. I suppose there'd be balance issues, but that can be worked out I'm sure of it.


So what do you think, and what would you like to see added sooner rather than later, or at all?

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It seems to me they're trying to think a bit outside the box on job classes for 14. While there are a few similarities in job classes between 11 & 14 I don't think things will be the same again. None of the jobs will be called the same thing or work the same way they did in 11. While I'm sad to see Red Mage go, I think now is the time to try something completely new.

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A version of summoner that... you know, is focused on actually summoning rather than whatever it was SMN got used for in FFXI would be cool


I don't know that I would like them as a pet type class again, but then again I never get bored of the long summoning cut scenes when doing their big attacks xD


Can't see that would work/be popular in an MMO sadly...

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SMN was a buff-bot/off healer when I was playing it, but then I wasn't graced with Fenrir, which I hear could be a de-buff bot as well as pack a nice punch. Plus I'm sure they added some after I left, which was just before Treasures...


But yeah, I'd love to grab the Austere robe again and go hunting with Carby, the Radioactive Squirrel. I would imagine that they would eventually add a class that uses that part of FF canon. Plus, with only two DoM, there must be more on the way. I don't know what weapon they'd use though. A horn, maybe?

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SMN was a buff-bot/off healer when I was playing it' date=' but then I wasn't graced with Fenrir, which I hear could be a de-buff bot as well as pack a nice punch. Plus I'm sure they added some after I left, which was just before Treasures... [/quote']


Not really, at least not until this year. Everyone thought they'd add Odin and Alexander, but they didn't. :P


My first main job was SMN, so I feel your pain. :cry: The hardest part was getting from 40 to 42, because without Cure III nobody would invite me. After I got there, nobody would invite me without Fenrir. Thankfully I had a good chunk of gil from cooking, so I eventually hired "mercenaries" to kill Fenrir for me. :D Even with him, though... as far as most XP parties were concerned, we weren't summoners so much as /WHMs with Auto-Refresh, a couple of buffs with long cast times, and a colossal MP pool. :D


I only got called out for not having Diabolos once on the way to 75, and that from a summoner in my party (yes, a SMNx2 party) that insisted on [Nether Blast]ing every mob. I wonder how he turned out. :P


But yeah' date=' I'd love to grab the Austere robe again and go hunting with Carby, the Radioactive Squirrel.[/quote']


Me too! I miss Carby. :(


I would imagine that they would eventually add a class that uses that part of FF canon. Plus' date=' with only two DoM, there must be more on the way. I don't know what weapon they'd use though. A horn, maybe?[/quote']


You heard it here first... the summons are called Primals in FFXIV, so the class will be called "Primalist". :D


I wonder if Primalists will get daggers as their primary weapons. There's no THF anymore, after all, and maybe they really will stick themselves and pay a small amount of HP for [blood Pact]s. Everybody grab your torch or pitchfork, time to hunt down those blood mages! :P

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SMN are actually desired for Abyssea parties to actually summon now and damage deal. They added Odin in a while go and he's pretty awesome. Every two hours you're suppose to let the group know when your two hours is up so they can pull a ton of mobs and Odin one shot them all for *massive* exp. In fact, Abyssea made a lot of the old jobs (like blm) highly needed again.

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Every two hours you're suppose to let the group know when your two hours is up so they can pull a ton of mobs and Odin one shot them all for *massive* exp.


You're kidding. Zantetsuoken (sp?) actually *works*?


That completely defies FF tradition! You're supposed to die a hundred times to instant-death spells, and when you finally can cast them yourself, they never ever work except on rarabs! :D

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Okay, the one Abyssea party I was in that had a summoner she actually joined the group, summoned Odin and two hour-ed right off.


The problem is, for the first hour or so when you first join a group if you kill anything everyone loses time. Everyone gets three 30 minute stones and to remain longer you have to farm time extensions which take about an hour to start dropping. Each time you kill something without a time extension everyones overall time goes down. So you're suppose to help damage deal it down, then disengage and let others get the kill shot who have gotten time extensions already when you join an existing group.


So right off everyone was slightly annoyed because she lost us time, but it was her first time in so she didn't know. Plus we only had four mobs in camp and while it appeared to me she killed every single one of them she was told not to 2 hour until they had pulled more mobs for massive exp. I'm guessing by that statement Odin kills whatever you've got. I'm not a summoner so I could be wrong.


*Ninja edit for clarification. The baby has been up for hours so my head is all funny :P

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I never really liked Blue Mages in any of the FF game, but it was mostly the character itself I didn't like, the class is cool, as is Summoner. So yes, I'd love to see them. As mentioned, however, they're taking a different path for classes, but thanks to mutliclassing, I believe it's possible to do anything, just as long as a skill set exists for it.

Currently there are no Monster Abilities or Summon Monster sets, but I can see someone rank up Gladiator and Conjurer and call themselve a Red Mage.

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My opinion

Blue Mage could be put in if you called it like the Scholar class and you have a skill called Learn and a skill called study


Learn has to be used in battle and requires a certain amount of time and a certain like perception level of some sort determining time to learn and how long to master what you learn .

Study so you can learn skills out of books found in your journeys or shops .

A scholar would in a sense be extremely weak at the start but awesome later on as you learn and master skills

Unmastered skill costs insane mana long cooldown if we have that and somethings like it will miss a lot .

Stronger the skill the longer to learn it and master it.


Summoner ...

Could be a pet class or like in old school Final Fantasy style come out in awesome glory to use just one attack and leave . like in WWE , wrestlers have awesome entrance , while the end rather plain. Leviathon always cool to summon ... in previous FF games


They could make summoner an Archeologist class who studies several ancient arts like for example summoning , arcane magic and something else as well

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I can see someone rank up Gladiator and Conjurer and call themselve a Red Mage.


Well, I will probably end up leveling Gladiator *grumblemumble* because I really want to see if the wand + shield route is viable (vs. staff) for Conjurers, and it will probably be really hard to skill up shield when somebody else is tanking. :D

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