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Hi, I'm new player of the Final Fantasy XIV, but I do hope it will be a start of "a beautiful friendship". So, here's few things about me:


--MMORPG background - started with DDO, which was and still is one of my most favourite MMOs, then it was LotrO, WoW, short Rift adventure and Old Republic


--RP experience - if it's pen and paper, then I've been RPing for about 18 years :) if it's MMO RP experience, then it varies. I done that a lot in WoW and Rift, but couldn't get in touch with RP in Old Republic



--Character ideas/info Future Hyur midlander paladin and Mi'qote moonish white mage :). As far as the RP ideas are concerned, I'm trying first to get familiar with lore and customs and such, and then I'll think of something about my characters


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Final Fantasy forums - one of the posters signature ;)



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I'm rather medium kind of RPer. I like events or just free RP, but I'm not great fan of classic "tavern RP", and I'm afraid of heavy RP guilds that end in dramas between members and such childish behaviour.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm 34 years old journalist from Poland - I like fantasy and SF (Honor Harrington and Elenium/Belgariad along with Conan are my favourite series). I might have a wicked sense of humor, so don't be offended :)

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Hello and welcome to RPC. I'm also in the process of getting acquainted with the lore. Thankfully there are a bunch of threads on it, from things about the Garlean Empire and what happened during the fall of Dalamud, to miqo'te tribes and their customs, culture, etc. Pretty much anything you might want to learn about Eorzea. :D


If you can't find what you're looking for, however, you can post a thread about your concerns in the forums. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy your stay here.:D

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