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FC vs LS


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So is everyone ignoring my post or do they acknowledge that in that case at least it makes sense for it not to be IC.


They kinda ignored mine, too, but it's okay. ^^; There are definitely instances where you have an idea for a group of people that simply doesn't jive with whatever roleplay concept you want to use for a group. It just depends on the concept you have, as to whether or not an IC or OOC free company is more appropriate.

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At the end of the day, the entire reason (in my opinion) that we see OOC FCs so much more often is because of the "You can only have one" restriction.


Wild Sky is one of those who had an IC LS and an OOC FC. The reason behind our FC being OOC (OH GOD ALL THE ACRONYMS) is to give RPers a chance to engage in that end-game content without having to worry about IC restrictions. For example! Let's say Roleplayer A and Roleplayer B are good friends who enjoy playing together but their characters are currently liable to kill one another on sight. By having the FC be OOC, they can do the content together without detracting from their RP.


Now, I understand that there's a lot of people who would prefer to RP out absolutely everything. And that's cool too! By having multiple options, lots of people get to find exactly the type of group that fits what they want to do which is awesome! Everyone gets to do what they want how they want and everyone is happy forever.


There is nothing saying that you can't RP and be incredibly efficient in the PvE content too. There's also nothing saying you HAVE to RP the PvE content. The ability to choose from the options is sort of the reason the RPC was founded in the first place, right? Bringing us all together so we can all hang out and be awesome, RPing with each other in the ways that we enjoy the most?


Someone going with an OOC FC isn't a slight against the RP community's gaming abilities. Someone going with an IC FC doesn't mean that they think they're a better Roleplayer than someone in an OOC FC. Just means they have different playing styles. All are viable options :D

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So is everyone ignoring my post or do they acknowledge that in that case at least it makes sense for it not to be IC.


They kinda ignored mine, too, but it's okay. ^^; There are definitely instances where you have an idea for a group of people that simply doesn't jive with whatever roleplay concept you want to use for a group. It just depends on the concept you have, as to whether or not an IC or OOC free company is more appropriate.


I was not ignoring anyone, merely stating my own opinion on this topic :3 You all have valid reasons to prefer keeping them separate, but that may not work for everyone. Like I said, to each their own (or personal preference). It's nice that there are a ton of options for us all to find our own niche ;) Both of you have a completely different mindset/play style than me and that is perfectly okay!


And Ashren, you are perfectly right too in that raiding usually only happens twice a week which leaves ample time for other things to happen. Even being busy with Raid Leading, I had plenty of time to write my stories with my friends/guildies, and to also do other things in the game. 


I also like Tyriont's set up with keeping the same group but using the Linkshells to do any RP that is held separate from Free Company events. Again, there is something for everyone in this game, it seems to me.

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I also like Tyriont's set up with keeping the same group but using the Linkshells to do any RP that is held separate from Free Company events. Again, there is something for everyone in this game, it seems to me.


I should clarify, the Free Company is also open to all regardless of membership in the Linkshell. That way people who want to play with us (or let's face it, who want to play with me because I'm awesome) can do so even if they don't fit into the story of the Linkshell.

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And Ashren, you are perfectly right too in that raiding usually only happens twice a week which leaves ample time for other things to happen.


Well, for me personally, I've been involved in and know others who participated in raid groups that ran 3-4 times a week, so there is that. It's a different attitude towards PvE.

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Tyriont - Ah I see, yeah that can be beneficial too :3


Naunet - Yeah that's true, that's a more 'hardcore' attitude towards it, I guess? Like I said before, I'm not really hardcore, I just like experiencing everything a game has to offer :) As much as I love raiding, I think I would get burned out on it if I did it 3-4 times a week haha. :>

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