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A hearty hello to you all!


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Good day, travellers!


--MMORPG background


I have been a bit of an MMO nomad. My introduction to MMO's was WoW. Which I have played for quite a long time.

Change of job and home location prevented me from playing any online games for a few years, so that ended my WoW 'career'.

After regaining my internet connection I found my former friends had moved on.

A long time of hopping from game to game resulted, never really finding that special something in a game / community again.

I have always been a FF fan and when FFXIV 1.0 launched, despite the game itself, I did find a wonderful community again, so I am looking forward to my new home with ARR.


--RP experience


I have been in a few Pen and Paper RPG groups and have dabbled a bit in light RP-ing in MMO's, but the 'electronic way' of RP-ing is much different than the live version. So I do not consider myself an experienced roleplayer when it comes to online gaming. I do know, however, that it tends to give the most fun and friendly community experience.


--Character ideas/info


My Legacy character Moon Well is pretty low level (20 ish) still, due to massive performance problems with the v1.0 client limiting my play.

I think I am going to reroll a brand new character.

I am not on Balmung, nor Gilgamesh, though... My default world is Sargatanas.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Sequence Break podcast!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


I think I will fall into the light / medium category.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)



Just that I am a parent. We have a baby boy and that means my play time is limited. I would love to get into contact with other parents in-game. :)



:tonberry: Looking forward to tomorrow!

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Thank you guys!


Well, penniless1, I am not sure how easy it will be to switch to the 'unofficial RP server' once early access starts?

But as Balmung is a Legacy server I suspect I would have had to switch my legacy character over at the time you could choose a server with the mergers... oh well, we'll see. :angel:

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Hi Yskonyn!


Welcome to the site and the game. Hopefully this one sticks when you throw it on the wall, eh?


No worries on RP pedigrees here. Everyone is welcome and we're all glad to have you. Any questions please don't hesitate. :D


No worries about pedigree!  We have Desmond cause he's cute.  For me I will be spending so much time figuring out lore.

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