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Hi all! Sillyness coming your way.


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Hi there,


I'm a silly girl from Norway, that loves to meet new people in MMOs to RP with. I have been in MMOs ever since Star Wars Galaxies in 2003, when I was 15, and it was in that game along with a few others, that I started my love for RP.


This game has been brought to my attention a few times, from different people that I know in various RP communities, so needless to say, I am intrigued. I am hoping to check it out and I hope to find lots of RP in it :)


I have RPd in: SWG, WoW, LotRO, Vanguard, Aion, CoH/CoV, Champions Online, TSW and AoC, to name a few. That is not to say that I'm the best RPer in the world. I am still learning!


Anyway, hope to meet you guys ingame!



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Oh man I always wish I had the chance to play SWG, but a 15 year olds me in 2003 couldn't afford a) a decent computer and b) a subscription.


I'm jealous.


But yes, the RP potential of XIV is huge, really damn huge and it's only going to get more... huge-er.


By the way since you're from Norway and hence in a Euro time zone, I would recommend grabbing a Europa linkshell (private chat channel). The Europa LS is basically for finding people or events to RP in the Euro time zone. Also if you are into end game content and raiding, Eorzean Union is a Free Company (guild) dedicated to that kind of stuff for Euro time zone players, featuring both IC and OOC chat channels.

If not and you're just here for the RP, there's still a lot of other RP dedicated FCs around that has Euro players.


That's quite a lot of us here it seems :cactuar:


OH also welcome :moogle:

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