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"Even the Marmots can set up shop!" [8/26 @ 8pm EST] [Balmung]

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Sterne has finally surveyed a plot of land to open up his business, The Salts of Rhotano Inc. However, it's nowhere near ready.


With a down payment locked away, and most of his supplies still in transit from around Hydaelen, the young Hyur is left without a shop to set up.


This is when his eyes fall upon the bars in Wineport. While currently owned by an Independent Merchant & Mender, he's managed to negotiate a reasonable lease to share the space.


Without wasting another day he starts sending out fliers:



OOC: If you're interested in Roleplaying with us, please join us as a patron! If you're curious about joining the Salts of Rhotano, please visit http://salts-of-rhotano.com for the forums and more information!
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Oooh... So from the sound of the event it's sort of a merchant-y theme, but from the LS link, it's kind of an everything-theme. Is it just Sterne who is merchant-y?


I ask because House Marchand is a Gridania-based merchant LS that is always looking to make connections with other merchants. :D

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Oooh... So from the sound of the event it's sort of a merchant-y theme, but from the LS link, it's kind of an everything-theme. Is it just Sterne who is merchant-y?


I ask because House Marchand is a Gridania-based merchant LS that is always looking to make connections with other merchants. :D


Thanks for your feedback!


I'll work on the wordsmithing soon to make sure it's more clear.


The Free Company is an "everything-theme". It's primary focus is Social Activities, but it caters to RPers and End-Gamers by connecting them to the individual Linkshells.


The Salts Inc. is a "merchant-theme" type thing; but focused more on Hospitality. It's a Tavern, a Hotel (or will be once we get housing) and a place to do some trading and bartering.


I would be very interested to gain a connection to the House of Merchand :) Wouldn't mind having a supplier for finer things in The Salts.


P.S.: Sterne is a businessman, more than a merchant.

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I do like cookies...


But yeah, probably should have noticed it was in the Balmung area of the forum, but I just clicked via the 'upcoming events' at the front page.


It's absolutely fine :)


There was a worse mistake in the post. . . I said Middle La NOscea when it was Eastern (cry). Sorry to everyone who went to the wrong area.

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